5,770 Health subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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1979NRS Griffith

Useful subject for people who have never done academic writing before, but a bit of a fluff subject...

8 years ago

BIOM2010 Uni. of Qld

This subject is only a one unit subject so there are only lectures (no practicals) but the workload...

8 years ago

PHRM1012 Uni. of Qld

Finally we're actually learning something about pharmacy! This course gives you a great overview of...

8 years ago

BIOM1052 Uni. of Qld

I really enjoyed this course! Louise Ainscough is a great lecturer and she explains the physiology v...

8 years ago

CHEM1222 Uni. of Qld

If you got CHEM1100 then this will be a breeze. The only new unit is stereochemistry which has a ver...

8 years ago

SCC1226 Edith Cowan Uni.

This unit is an excellent intro to organic chem. It will step you through recognising organic molec...

8 years ago

BMA1901 Monash Uni.

I felt that the unit was well structured and provided a good introduction to a number of basic biolo...

8 years ago


BABS component let the course down

8 years ago

PSYU3350 Macquarie

Hated this unit. The assessments were marked ridiculously, and essay topics given were horrible.

8 years ago

HSE102 Deakin Uni.

HSE102 is a great subject which I absolutely loved. Having 2 hour seminar classes meant all the mate...

8 years ago

CHEM10006 Uni. of Melbourne

I actually really liked this subject (although this is not the general consensus in the cohort). You...

8 years ago

BIOL10002 Uni. of Melbourne

Very interesting and engaging subject. We covered the basics of homeostasis, organ systems, evolutio...

8 years ago

DFS1AUA La Trobe

The teachers were all deaf! At first this was a scary notion, but they are so patient and some of th...

8 years ago

HLT1RAE La Trobe

Facilitator was pathetic and so the delivery of content was muddled and not understood well by stude...

8 years ago

HBS1HBB La Trobe

Keeping up with this was a little hard as the terminology and the structures were hard to grasp. Hig...

8 years ago

HCS1CDH La Trobe

Really badly organised and way too much work for an elective, especially when the people in charge h...

8 years ago

HBS107 Deakin Uni.

Easy! didnt even study for the exam at all and got high marks. If you have done Year 11 & 12 health...

8 years ago

HSH207 Deakin Uni.

The unit content was interesting... all about SES and different groups in society e.g. families and...

8 years ago

HPS308 Deakin Uni.

Ridiculously vague assignment expectations, low credit mark average due to poor assignment instructi...

8 years ago

HBS108 Deakin Uni.

I was really worried about this unit, I did struggle understanding abit of the content but got heaps...

8 years ago

HPS301 Deakin Uni.

I undertook the online version and couldn't have been happier, the lecturers couldn't have been more...

8 years ago

HPS202 Deakin Uni.

Did this unit over T3 2014. Loved it one of my fav units. Very interesting information if your inter...

8 years ago

HSH201 Deakin Uni.

worse unit i did, easy content but i just didnt get the assignments. Also group assignment worth 50%...

8 years ago

HDS209 Deakin Uni.

Very interesting content. 3 quizzes throughout semester. First assignment was easy, 2nd assignment w...

8 years ago

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