5,769 Health subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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PSYU2247 Macquarie

This subject is both boring, and difficult. Kevin is funny but doesn't always explain things as well...

7 years ago

HUBS1105 The Uni. of Newcastle

Wonderful lecturer and course

7 years ago

LING1000 Uni. of Qld

I really enjoyed this course. It was a really good foundational introduction to linguistics. The wor...

7 years ago

PHE1IDH La Trobe

This subject was definitely the subject that I hated the most out of my first year Semester 1 subjec...

7 years ago

HPS203 Deakin Uni.

It is a very interesting subject. Assignments are ok. I did this subject online. Tutors very accessi...

7 years ago

BMS240 Charles Sturt Uni.

Really loved this subject. Scott Andrews is a great lecturer. I can highly recommend the textbook as...

7 years ago

MAST10011 Uni. of Melbourne

Not the most enjoyable and stimulating subject, but at the same time, probably the easiest to achiev...

7 years ago

PHL201 Charles Sturt Uni.

fun subject to learn

7 years ago

HLSC1000 The Uni. of Newcastle

My first thought in the formal exam was feeling bad for the trees that had to die for it to be print...

7 years ago

HUBS1105 The Uni. of Newcastle

Challenging course, but very interesting, well organised, clear what the lecturer wants you to know....

7 years ago

BMS240 Charles Sturt Uni.

If you don't put the work in, it will be hard. Get good marks in the mini tests and you will do well...

7 years ago

1003psy Griffith

Great course, it was pretty hard because statistics is very different to math from school. So mat...

7 years ago

1002PSY Griffith

One of the best subjects I have done yet, it was so diverse with content and all the content had lin...

7 years ago

1001PSY Griffith

The course content taught by different lecturers on Gold Coast campus was great. When the subject wa...

7 years ago

2000PSY Griffith

Fantastic course - Gold Coast convener for 2017 was great she really helped the understanding of suc...

7 years ago

PSYU3348 Macquarie

Lectures are 3 hours a week and are thoroughly unenjoyable. The lecture slides appear slapped togeth...

7 years ago

AG1007 James Cook

(Sem 1 2016) This subject is pretty easy and all the lecturers are very friendly. It's split into th...

7 years ago

2007PSY Griffith

This course is so content heavy, but very interesting. Hang in there!

7 years ago

2000PSY Griffith

This course is a whole lot better than 1003PSY. It helps broaden your understanding with Statistics...

7 years ago

6540 Uni. of Canberra

Tutorials were very helpful as they went through the questions at s good pace that was easy to under...

7 years ago

4309 Uni. of Canberra

Easy and quite boring

7 years ago

HBS109 Deakin Uni.

The content is extremely heavy and is hard to do well if you don't keep up. The readings are very lo...

7 years ago

HSN104 Deakin Uni.

The prac groups were large so not much guidance could be given to students. The report was very hard...

7 years ago

HBS108 Deakin Uni.

The content was dry at times but provides a good introduction to research methods which is relevant...

7 years ago

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