5,769 Health subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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NUR131 Uni. of the Sunshine Coast

Sam was great at making the classes interesting and interactive. Assignments were easy to complete a...

6 years ago

COR109 Uni. of the Sunshine Coast

A useful subject to refresh correct assignment writting skills

6 years ago

PSYU3350 Macquarie

Content was certainly interesting. Delivery was great, given by the unit Convenor and guest lecturer...

6 years ago

MAST10011 Uni. of Melbourne

A subject that is extremely dry in nature, but conceptually is not terribly difficult. If you put in...

6 years ago

PHYC10007 Uni. of Melbourne

A soul-crushingly difficult subject which requires work from day 1. Falling behind in this subject i...

6 years ago

CHEM10006 Uni. of Melbourne

A somewhat difficult subject with many concepts that are hard to get a good grasp on, but if the nec...

6 years ago

BIOL10002 Uni. of Melbourne

Extremely engaging and interesting topic covering a range of fascinating topics from the mechanisms...

6 years ago

PHYC10007 Uni. of Melbourne

Very badly taught and a lot of pointless content. The LABY ideas centre tutors showed up about an ho...

6 years ago

EDGU1003 Uni. of Sydney

interesting, good assessments, teachers willing to answer any questions and marking isn't too harsh

6 years ago

BIOL1040 Uni. of Qld

Biol 1040 is well-structured and give you lots of training on the aspects of communication, report w...

6 years ago

PSYC1040 Uni. of Qld

Definitely keep on top of the material presented, and go over it again and again until you understan...

6 years ago

PSYC2050 Uni. of Qld

I loved all the lecturers for this course, my tutor was pretty average though. The hardest part of a...

6 years ago

CSV3108 Edith Cowan Uni.

I loved it, no exam

6 years ago

ANAT1005 Uni. of Qld

Lecture content and the practicals were very interesting. Lecturers were great and approachable. Thi...

6 years ago


Neuroscience is a very challenging subject. It involves a lot of critical thinking and analysis rega...

6 years ago

92317 UTS

Not a fan of the subject

6 years ago

91530 UTS

Very informative

6 years ago

PP2201 James Cook

Great lecturers, highly relevant and interesting content. Also very well organised.

6 years ago

BM1000 James Cook

So much information but if you did Year 12 Biology you will be fine. Also the exam is mostly multipl...

6 years ago

HSN104 Deakin Uni.

A great unit for food science major

6 years ago

HBS109 Deakin Uni.

The content is heavy but very useful. The exams and quizzes require you to have a good grip on the c...

6 years ago


As with chem 1: exceptionally interesting content and presented in an outstanding way by Mark.

6 years ago

HBS1HBB La Trobe

For the people that said it was "sedating" or "easy" - you were probably the only students that felt...

6 years ago

7120 Uni. of Canberra

Loved this unit. Very interesting and fun assessment piece.

6 years ago

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