2,739 Engineering subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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CHEN90010 Uni. of Melbourne

Excellent subject if you're interested in mining and materials processing. Great guest lecturers who...

10 years ago

CHEN90011 Uni. of Melbourne

Excellent subjects if you're interested in water treatment. Three field trips to wastewater treatmen...

10 years ago

CHEN90012 Uni. of Melbourne

The subject gives you a taste of engineering design and prepares you well for design project in term...

10 years ago

CHEN90022 Uni. of Melbourne

Very demanding and rigorous subject. The skills learnt are valuable for the workforce but you will m...

10 years ago

ITAL151 Wollongong

This subject is very intense and you move quickly through the course. However, those who revised pri...

10 years ago


Very difficult but interesting. Focuses on problem solving. You need to practice, lots. Covers a lot...

10 years ago


Core computing unit. This unit will be what you make of it. If you don't do your own study and keep...

10 years ago


Excellent unit. Very challenging. Assumes no programming background, but expect to work hard.

10 years ago

MATH1002 Uni. of Sydney

Very interesting course that starts off easy and grows more difficult in the last few weeks. Don't f...

10 years ago


Clear and easy to understand lectures

10 years ago


course is not taught very well

10 years ago


Salmon teaches this course superbly well. I also enjoyed this course along with 2217. There is a goo...

10 years ago


Shankar teaches this course well. I enjoyed this course. If you understand the core concepts in this...

10 years ago


I can't imagine a better presentation of the course. Fair warning though; I found it hard to wrap my...

10 years ago


Practice is the best thing for this course. You don't have to like it, you just need to practice it....

10 years ago

MATH2310 The Uni. of Newcastle

Math2310 was one of the more ill laid out maths courses I have done to date. The material was good,...

10 years ago

MECH2420 The Uni. of Newcastle

This course was great over all, the learning objectives weren't as hard as it's last years predecess...

10 years ago

MECH2250 The Uni. of Newcastle

This course was a joy to take part in, they layout of the learning material and lectures were superi...

10 years ago

MECH2110 The Uni. of Newcastle

Time management is key for the Warman Competition, over all the course was fun and encouraged a lot...

10 years ago

MEC3455 Monash Uni.

Lecturer teaches the content to a bare minimum and is less than helpful when confronted with questio...

10 years ago

MEC3454 Monash Uni.

Very well taught for such a complex topic. Very good introduction for those looking to continue ther...

10 years ago

MEC3453 Monash Uni.

Wing K Chiu is an excellent lecturer and makes the unit a joy to study.

10 years ago

MECH3362 Uni. of Sydney

Interesting course

10 years ago

ELEC2004 Uni. of Sydney

Good course though a bit broad. Should be incorporated into two courses.

10 years ago

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