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Hi! I'm Kelly, your personal tutor. I am a Deans Scholar, and currently in my penultimate year of my...


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I have a Bachelor of Advance Science (Honours) Class I (majored in Mathematics) from the University...


$35 per hour

Rate: $35/hr. First hour free for non-assignment work. I’m a former software engineer now living...


Pretty terrible course I reckon, everything about it seemed disjointed and confusing. Content was introduced in the most obtuse way possible, with no time taken to outline what the destination is, or what the point of the content was, only reviewing the final exams gives you a flavour for what the hell they expect from you (Unsure whether this is a content issue or a lecturer issue though). Large notebook provided, but it's detailed to the point of absurdity and requires four lectures a week to get through (which is simply too many). Lecturer and tutors were not on the same page, and the final exam is too long for 2 hours. If you are unfortunate enough to be doing this subject, go straight to the past exams as the lectures are full of nonsense

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Many chapters to study, put more effort in doing tutorial problem sheets and past exam papers in order to score good grade.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

The lecturers for this subject are hit and miss. I took this course 4 times before I passed. Before you go blaming me for being a lazy dumbass, I transferred from another university after my first year where I received a distinction for the equivalent of MATH1052 which was structured similarly to the maths courses at UQ. What is the reason? I believe it is the poor teaching of the subject with each tutor covering different content not guided by the lecturer who actually writes the exam. Each assignment is now worth 5% and takes approximately 5 hours to complete as a minimum (unless you're really smart or con your friends into giving you the answers) and there is a 40% hurdle rate for total assignment marks. They recently changed this from the assignments being only worth 3% and the same amount of effort and so this is where I give 1 star. There is now no mid semester exam. Bloody brilliant because no one has time to study this crap in the middle of the semester in order to get a good mark. I give it one more star for getting rid of this mid-sem exam rubbish. The final exam is worth 70% and has a 40% hurdle rate no matter how you do on the assignments. Be prepared to study your bum off for the final and only receive a 4 or 5 overall. Even if you go to multiple tutorials a week, do well on all the assignments and spend all your waking time studying this crap, it's nearly impossible to get a 7 for this subject. If you are able to get a 7 in this subject, good for you, but you probably won't be able to find a job after you finish uni because no one will want to employ you as you spent all your time studying rather than socialising/networking. The final is 2 hours long and has 12 questions (10 minutes per question) with no formula sheet or calculator allowed or given (pretty standard for UQ maths exams). The exam should be extended by an hour for students to fix any mistakes they inevitably make. This was probably the most useless course I studied in my entire engineering degree. It was so useless that after the third time I failed it, I left it until my last semester like the majority of my peers in the same predicament after second year. It just goes to show how useless the content was for an engineering student because it never appeared in any of my other subjects and I don't believe I will ever use it in my field of work.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

The lectures are too dull to be listened to sometimes. Luckily, you can get away by sitting at home listening to Echo360 with speed *2.1, it's even better!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

haha where do i start with MATH2000... basically Yao Ban is a really really smart person but a really really bad lectuer and doesnt set very nice exams... study hard and work as much as you can on the tutorial questions... the assignments are a great bonus marks cause they generally arent too hard.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014