2,738 Engineering subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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Not too bad when you do tutorial questions, and given practice papers - especially if you do 4Unit,...

9 years ago

ELEC3203 Uni. of Sydney

A great subject. I really enjoy doing it. The lecturer is very well versed in the subject and super...

9 years ago

ELEC3204 Uni. of Sydney

This subject is a tough subject. Avoid it by all means if you can. The lecturer is very good but the...

9 years ago

MATH1002 Uni. of Sydney

As a first year BMedSci student, I find this to be an interesting and likable subject. Monday and Tu...

9 years ago

MATH010 Wollongong

Learning the basis math skills in order to progress to first year level math classes such as 187 and...

9 years ago

MATH187 Wollongong

Great starting first year mathematics subject, creates the basic skills to progress to higher level...

9 years ago

CHEE3301 Uni. of Qld

So the subject starts off FANTASTIC being taught by Tim Nicholson but then it goes into mechanical p...

9 years ago


This course was one of my favourites. I really enjoyed the interdisciplinary, hands-on approach; whi...

9 years ago


This course gives a broad overview of sustainable energy technologies, but only covers each aspect f...

9 years ago


This course is extremely useful. If I knew then when I was doing the course how useful it is, I woul...

9 years ago


Higher Physics 1A is a great course to continue developing problem solving skills, which are very us...

9 years ago


Maths 1B is a very useful subject. You continue learning algebra and calculus from maths 1B, as well...

9 years ago


ENGG1000 is a pretty useful subject. You practice working in teams, usually with engineers from diff...

9 years ago

ENGG1850 Uni. of Sydney

The textbook and lecture slides are basically your best friends for this subject. Be active in tutor...

9 years ago


A pretty good maths course for further developing the skills you may need for other classes and prof...

9 years ago

CHEM 1312 Uni. of Adelaide

Very intense. But tutors are great.

9 years ago

MATHS 1011 Uni. of Adelaide

Has good, passionate lecturers. The lecture notes are amazing.

9 years ago


Not too tough if you have a good understanding of the basics, and can deal with a bit of pressure in...

9 years ago


Poorly/strangely organised but pretty basic stuff.

9 years ago


Not too bad if you get your head around the basics. You can be walking into the final pretty comfort...

9 years ago


The course doesn't seem that well organised, but it's not hard to do well if you take the time to un...

9 years ago

ENGG1300 Uni. of Qld

Good for the basic understanding of electrical theory and practice, however if you don't focus in th...

9 years ago

48230 UTS

More help and samples should be provided

9 years ago

PHYS1001 Uni. of Sydney

Mastering physics was very annoying! My lecturer was very quick and skipped a lot of steps. Interest...

9 years ago

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