5,770 Health subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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PSYU3399 Macquarie

Having a practical aspect to the course made content engaging and relevant. However, doing well in t...

8 years ago


A great unit with interesting and challenging content.

8 years ago

HSBH3001 Uni. of Sydney

This subject was the death of me this semester. 8am lectures that you have to sign in to, attendance...

8 years ago

MEDI4016 The Uni. of Newcastle

Challenging but enjoyable, covers a lot of material

8 years ago


Keep up with the chapter reading for this subject, If you leave everything to the last minute, it wi...

8 years ago

RAD1012 Monash Uni.

Great course with great teachers. The majority of the content is applicable to real life situations...

8 years ago

400870 WSU

Interesting subject. Do your readings because they come up a lot and are highly relevant to content...

8 years ago

PSYU3399 Macquarie

Really did not like this subject. Probably one of the worst out of all the psych units I took. The p...

8 years ago

MED2031 Monash Uni.

It is medicine so it was always going to be hard but if is so rewarding! This is the best semester b...

8 years ago


Was a great subject with famtastic lecturers. I studied externally and really enjoyed the Res School

8 years ago

GRS4101 Monash Uni.

Thoroughly covers the necessary basics of reproductive endocrinology. Essential for further study in...

8 years ago

PSYU3350 Macquarie

Absolutely loved and recommend this subject! Assessments were quite easy in my opinion, and marked e...

8 years ago

PSY3062 Monash Uni.

This unit was surprisingly really good. Charles made the lectures very easy to follow and not too co...

8 years ago

HBS1HBB La Trobe

keeping up with content each with can be difficult, as the subject is quite content heavy. easier fo...

8 years ago


Great content, staff, assessment, tutorials - great subject. Jane is a great tutor and Susan is a fa...

8 years ago


Great content. Great staff, Phillipe is an exceptionally engaging lecturer, even though he only had...

8 years ago


Didn't learn a hell of a lot, but what I did learn was interesting. Textbook was free online which i...

8 years ago


Stats can be an absolute drag, but the facilities and staff were incredibly helpful and walked every...

8 years ago

101678 WSU

One of the most confusing units i've ever done! (Regarding the structure and the order students need...

8 years ago

MAST10016 Uni. of Melbourne

Boring subject but relatively easy to score and the concepts are not hard to grasp. Make sure to com...

8 years ago

MAST10011 Uni. of Melbourne

I enjoyed EDDA a lot. It's pretty much basic statistics. Practicing questions using the booklet at t...

8 years ago

CHEM10006 Uni. of Melbourne

I find this subject very interesting, focusing mostly on Organic Chemistry (which may be a pain for...

8 years ago

BIOL10002 Uni. of Melbourne

Despite the fact that its 8am lectures in the morning may be a turn off but the lecturers tried to m...

8 years ago

HPS111 Deakin Uni.

Awesome subject! goes through basic psychology theories and some basic neuroscience. Alittle upset i...

8 years ago

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