2,737 Engineering subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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Tough subject which requires consistent effort, but interesting content

6 years ago


Good fundamentals You use all the way through Mech related degrees. Lecturer was dedicated

6 years ago


Great intro computing course

6 years ago

CSCI203 Wollongong

This subject is very interesting, but also challenging at the same time. The lecturer speaks a bit t...

6 years ago

ELEN20005 Uni. of Melbourne

Fundamental subject for those who need to pursue their majors in electrical engineering, power syste...

6 years ago

ENGG1061 Uni. of Sydney

This subject is all about group work. Luckily, it's the advanced stream so most of the people doing...

6 years ago

MATH1051 Uni. of Qld

Jennings is a great lecturer who clarifies the concepts well. The course is quite good and the notes...

6 years ago


Good lecturer. Sets foundation to future courses

6 years ago


Taught well. Gives a lot of exposure to chemeng.

6 years ago


Very interesting course

6 years ago


Great course for uni first year.Needs a lot practice. Advice xD

6 years ago


That was great! I got HD so happy ^_^

6 years ago

ELEN20005 Uni. of Melbourne

Teaches you the basics of the Electronic world and gets you on your way to geeking out over circuits...

6 years ago

CVEN30008 Uni. of Melbourne

Very Chill Subject Once you get a handle on the content you will do great.

6 years ago

MCEN30014 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject is taught very well. The reason why most of the students enjoy this subject is becaus...

6 years ago

ELEN90055 Uni. of Melbourne

Taught extremely well along with the practical hands-on workshops. The final exam tests your unde...

6 years ago


This will probably be the biggest waste of time you will ever embark upon. The unit on project sched...

6 years ago


One of the most notoriously difficult courses in civil along with computations and soil. This leaves...

6 years ago


I thought this subject was really boring but on the other hand it was an open book final. In later y...

6 years ago


Daniel is so funny and you can fully enjoy with him.MATH1131 is fundamental idea of math including l...

6 years ago

CSCI203 Wollongong

It's a really hard subject. Need to work really hard for the assignments!

6 years ago

EEE20002 Swinburne Uni. of Technology

Lecture notes were very thorough and excellent exam preparation was provided to students. A well o...

7 years ago

MTH20005 Swinburne Uni. of Technology

The lecturer was pretty average, wasn't overly impressed with his delivery and didn't add much to th...

7 years ago

ENGG1801 Uni. of Sydney

Do contact me if you are struggling!!

7 years ago

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