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An excellent course to introduce you to the world of engineering thermodynamics.
7 years ago
Great subject as an introduction to engineering mechanics! A lot of techniques and conventions are l...
7 years ago
The electrical component of the subject is challenging compared to the other two components.So, pay...
7 years ago
The key to gaining high marks for the subject is to understand the concepts taught in a practical ap...
7 years ago
Pretty interesting and fun course, different to MATH1001/MATH1003 in the sense that Differential/Int...
7 years ago
The Uni. of Western Australia
Honestly a great unit, but not a easy one! If you put in the effort, you should comfortably get a HD...
7 years ago
A very in-depth course that goes into elementary programming concepts. Gives students the opportunit...
7 years ago
Similar to MATH1131, enjoyable course with many 'free and easy' marks. As long as you do the weekly...
7 years ago
The Uni. of Newcastle
Put a list of steps in your code to help step through designing each type of system.
7 years ago
Stay up to date with tutorial questions and always do past papers. The course was a follow on from M...
7 years ago
Very easy to pick up - recommended if you do 3U mathematics, but otherwise it's not so bad even if y...
7 years ago
The Uni. of Western Australia
Lectures are not helpful unless you have a MATLAB in your laptop, that you need to buy for $60. I su...
7 years ago
The Uni. of Western Australia
I took this in 2016, Sem 2. I only watched the online lectures. The information sessions were helpfu...
7 years ago
Really great course! A very new approach to maths compared to high school maths (which revolves more...
7 years ago
Absolutely engaging course with fun filled laboratory based activities every week and clear teaching...
7 years ago
MATLAB is probably the most important software that you will us in the future.Make sure you get a go...
7 years ago
Took this course in 15s2 with Alan Blair. I loved the course with a great lecturer, tutor, and fello...
7 years ago
Worst course I've ever taken at uni.
7 years ago
Swinburne Uni. of Technology
Be prepared to struggle if you have no background in Programming. You're at a huge disadvantage, whi...
7 years ago
Swinburne Uni. of Technology
Actually the least thought out unit the university has to offer. Lectures, Tutorials and Labs are co...
7 years ago
Swinburne Uni. of Technology
Buy the lecture notes from the Bookshop. They've got detailed notes on all of the concepts covered a...
7 years ago
Swinburne Uni. of Technology
Well organised unit. Lecture content is accompanied by slides which can be accessed to follow along...
7 years ago
Swinburne Uni. of Technology
Relatively fast paced learning, covers a lot of basics from Binary numbers, Boolean Simplifications...
7 years ago
Murdoch Uni.
Pretty tough unit, but maybe that's because I didn't actually go to lectures so... go to the lecture...
7 years ago
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