• 6,014 UniMelb subjects
  • 5,184 UniMelb subject ratings

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Unless this subject is a part of your major do not do it, lectures are boring, lab reports are marke...

2 weeks ago


best subject ever!! assignments were easy to do well on as long as you pay attention to the rubric (...

2 weeks ago


Pretty solid subject. A H1 is achievable if you keep up to date with the content (the MSTs for each...

2 weeks ago


First and foremost: If you're doing this subject and want to do decently well, GET THE TEXTBOOK AND...

2 weeks ago


Did this subject with minimal coding experience, really good introductory subject that teaches you t...

2 weeks ago


Worst subject ever, poorly coordinated. Barely any practice materials were given for the exams....

2 weeks ago


This subject isn't as difficult as other people make it out to be. The teaching staff where really h...

2 weeks ago


ABPL20055 now, a level 2 class. This is my favourite class I've done so far! Unless you're an archit...

3 weeks ago


It was a really interesting with so many wonderful readings and topics throughout the semester! It's...

3 weeks ago


I am extremely disappointed with this subject. The lectures are incredibly monotonous and fail t...

3 weeks ago


So poorly organised. I think one of the worst things was the switch to workshops instead of lectures...

3 weeks ago


So, so bad. So incredibly time-consuming even when I stopped doing the pre-lecture content. The work...

3 weeks ago


The GEOM20013 course is piece of trash , and it was honestly one of the worst experiences I've had a...

3 weeks ago


Might genuinely be worst subject I've done at this uni. Terrible organisational skills and terrible...

3 weeks ago


Positives: The content was interesting and eye-opening and delivered relatively well. Tutorials wer...

3 weeks ago


For science students trying to fill a breath subject, it was pretty good. The two take home reviews...

3 weeks ago


First few weeks that Charles does is really interesting and much like second year physiology but tha...

3 weeks ago


Content of this subject is super interesting and it allows you to deep dive into mainly the arms and...

3 weeks ago


Ignore the reviews below, they are just gatekeeping the ultimate WAM booster subject from you guys....

3 weeks ago


terrible coordination. The team is very incapable of running the subject. Zero feedback given (feedb...

3 weeks ago


Fun and well-run subject with extremely fair assessments and quizzes after each topic. The way this...

3 weeks ago


Just terrible coordination in all areas. I was originally a fan of the online lecture approach, as i...

3 weeks ago


Really good!! I absolutely despise the content and I'm pretty sure I barely passed the exam, but it...

3 weeks ago


charles is the best lecturer and its very easy to do well as long as you put in a moderate amount of...

3 weeks ago

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