Ten Level Chinese (Level 2): Integrated Textbook

Wu Zhongwei, Gao Shunquan, Tao Lian

For sale by Carmen for $25

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$40 per hour

UniMelb, Master of Marketing Comms | H1 WAM | Scholarship Recipient Hey there, nice to meet you!...


$45 per hour

I'm currently at the end of my undergraduate Bachelor of Biomedicine degree at the University of Mel...


I enjoyed this class quite a lot, the teacher is very friendly and likes to go on random tangents on how young people are the future, but we still managed to get everything done. You will have to study outside of class. The assessments aren't that hard if you have studied at least 3 hours a week.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

The teacher is very biased. She is always scolding students who need to leave class ON TIME for their next class. She said literally to everyone “if your Chinese is very good, why don’t you study Chinese 5 instead of Chinese 3”. She also marked very strict (about English grammar not Chinese).

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

moves quite a bit faster than first year chinese

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018