2,739 Engineering subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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SMA101 Charles Darwin Uni.

Material & questions copied from textbook. Don't bother going to class, just watch the video recordi...

10 years ago

HIT332 Charles Darwin Uni.

Material was straightforward, and the lecturer was good. A low workload subject.

10 years ago

HIT365 Charles Darwin Uni.

Assignments took over a month to get marked! The lecturers teaching style was to read straight from...

10 years ago

ENG221 Charles Darwin Uni.

Excellent lecturer. Very knowledgeable in the material, and will go out of his way to help students.

10 years ago

MECH2110 The Uni. of Newcastle

Fun corse just make sure you hand in all the assignments and you will be fine.

10 years ago

MATH1120 The Uni. of Newcastle

Keep up with the task booklets, they will make study for the exam easy.

10 years ago

48250 UTS

This is a relatively easy subject but it can quickly become very difficult if you leave things to th...

10 years ago

48350 UTS

Do all of the review questions that you are provided before each exam AND all of the tutorial questi...

10 years ago

48260 UTS

Teaches you stuff that you can use for your career but also in your personal life. Has a really enga...

10 years ago

48349 UTS

Practice, practice...Take the tutorial questions seriously.

10 years ago

MECH ENG 3105 Uni. of Adelaide

Very focused on communication as an engineer. Tries to cover too many things and fails in the proces...

10 years ago

CVEN90043 Uni. of Melbourne

If you up to becoming a competent and responsible engineer/project manager, then this subject is for...

10 years ago

ENGM90015 Uni. of Melbourne

The subject is very engaging and the lecturer is full of passion in his lecture series.

10 years ago

ENGM90010 Uni. of Melbourne

Overall, the subject is great. Though I think the current 1-hour lecture should be extended to 2-hou...

10 years ago

MATH1712 The Uni. of Western Australia

Good introductory mathematics unit. Excellent lecturer.

10 years ago

ENGG1400 Uni. of Qld

Statics lecturer was excellent. Very clear explanations, favourite lecturer of the semester. Unfortu...

10 years ago

MATH1051 Uni. of Qld

1051 was well organised, but two-thirds of the course was delivered horribly, without any engagement...

10 years ago

ELEN90055 Uni. of Melbourne

You really need to put efforts into this subject, the teaching is pretty good.

10 years ago

CVEN30008 Uni. of Melbourne

Dry content but not difficult

10 years ago

CITS2401 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit is all about computer analysis and visualization. I'll give a suggestion of take this unit...

10 years ago

PHYS1001 The Uni. of Western Australia

Physics is a unit which needs a good logic to make real good assumption for every case you faced. Do...

10 years ago

ENGG1801 Uni. of Sydney

angela lui is a very helpful tutor

10 years ago

MATH1002 Uni. of Sydney

Zhang is a good tutor

10 years ago

MATH1001 The Uni. of Western Australia

For a first year unit, MATH1001 can be considered as a difficult unit. Practices are needed in order...

10 years ago

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