2,737 Engineering subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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MATH1045 The Uni. of Western Australia

an interesting unit which i can easily understand.

9 years ago

MATH1712 The Uni. of Western Australia

an interesting unit which i can easily understand.

9 years ago

CIVL4401 The Uni. of Western Australia

an interesting unit which i can easily understand.

9 years ago

ENSC3008 The Uni. of Western Australia

an interesting unit which i can easily understand. i had fun at this unit and achieved HD.

9 years ago

ENSC3004 The Uni. of Western Australia

an interesting unit which i can easily understand. i had fun at this unit and achieved HD.

9 years ago

ENSC1002 The Uni. of Western Australia

an interesting unit which i can easily understand. i had fun at this unit and achieved HD.

9 years ago

MATH1002 The Uni. of Western Australia

an interesting unit which i can easily understand. i had fun at this unit and achieved HD.

9 years ago

MATH1001 The Uni. of Western Australia

an interesting unit which i can easily understand. i had fun at this unit and achieved HD.

9 years ago

CHIN2001 The Uni. of Western Australia

A lot easier than Chinese 3a, but it must be done as a co-requisite. Content is very easy, just basi...

9 years ago

ENGG953 Wollongong

Very useful, wish I listened to what teacher told us.

9 years ago

ENGG951 Wollongong

This subject is good but too much weight on IT or construction examples all the time.

9 years ago

ENGG950 Wollongong

Very useful subject but its not enough.

9 years ago

SPAN10004 Uni. of Melbourne

Great class and great teachers. It was certainly far more filled with content than SPAN10003 but the...

9 years ago

CHEE2001 Uni. of Qld

The hardest course in second year chemical engineering.

9 years ago


Make sure you're up to speed with vectors and trig as you will use ALOT of this. When doing the onli...

9 years ago


Do not take it easy with this subject, go as hard as you can as early as possible. Ensure you are up...

9 years ago

ENGG1600 Uni. of Qld

This subject was great, we were able to choose our own research laboratory to work and explore in an...

9 years ago

MATH1001 The Uni. of Western Australia

A hard unit but a rewarding unit nonetheless. It requires a high order of thinking and a lot of prac...

9 years ago

ENGG1802 Uni. of Sydney

What do you mean its easy to cheat on tests? how?

9 years ago

CIVE 2010 Uni. of South Australia

Interesting and varied subject. Lecturer is fantastic. If you do the weekly tutorial work it is fair...

9 years ago

ENSC3004 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit would be not too difficult for you if you have a good interpretation of 3D drawings. F...

9 years ago

ENSC3008 The Uni. of Western Australia

This course should be not too difficult for you if you have understand basic linear algebra well in...

9 years ago

CITS2401 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit sucks if you take it in second semester.

9 years ago

Mine2105 Uni. of Qld

good subject, nice and easy and a great GPA booster

9 years ago

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