2,738 Engineering subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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MTRX2700 Uni. of Sydney

Requires a lot of work and dedication, but it's completely worth it.

8 years ago

AMME2500 Uni. of Sydney

Badly taught via just showing you lots of examples and never really explaining when to use what meth...

8 years ago

ELEC1103 Uni. of Sydney

Huge amount of info to take in but once you start getting it it's not too hard

8 years ago

CIVL361 Wollongong

Go to ALL the classes. No uploaded notes or recordings. It's not a difficult subject. Just do what's...

8 years ago

ENGG252 Wollongong

Concepts. Concepts. Concept. That's all it is. SIt and stare at the page until it clicks. It feels u...

8 years ago

ENGG251 Wollongong

Know your basics. Beam theory, stesses/strains, shear/bending. Nail these concepts, and you've got t...

8 years ago

MATH141 Wollongong

Mark Nelson was very helpful and always willing to spend extra time to help those who needs it!

8 years ago

MATH142 Wollongong

The video project was a wast of valuable study time and completely unnecessary to learn the resulted...

8 years ago

MAS182 Murdoch Uni.

Well taught unit by very knowledgable & friendly/approachable lecturers

8 years ago

PHYS1030 The Uni. of Western Australia

Good unit if you enjoy physics and are willing to put the time in. If this is your first exposure t...

8 years ago

MATH1712 The Uni. of Western Australia

The best thing about this unit is the lecturer Miccal because he is extremely dedicated to teaching...

8 years ago

MATH1002 Uni. of Sydney

Like with most of the maths units at Usyd the majority of the marks are in the final exam paper whic...

8 years ago

PH1005 James Cook

Great subject.. lots of content though and if you don't have a basic understanding of the rules of p...

8 years ago


math1141... putting the fun in fundamental theorem of calculus

8 years ago

MTRX2700 Uni. of Sydney

Extremely interesting but very detailed

8 years ago

MATH1003 Uni. of Sydney

Not too challenging

8 years ago

MATH1001 Uni. of Sydney

Practical, useful course for an introduction to college level calculus. Covers a lot of the material...

8 years ago

RME10001 Swinburne Uni. of Technology

The drawing component is time-consuming and tedious at times. The organisation of learning is a bit...

8 years ago

MTH10006 Swinburne Uni. of Technology

The unit is well set out and reasonably paced, and covers the basics in good detail. The use of on...

8 years ago

EEE10001 Swinburne Uni. of Technology

Difficult subject if you haven't completed VCE Physics, which is frustrating as it isn't a prerequis...

8 years ago

ENGG1801 Uni. of Sydney

fun and engaging course

8 years ago

ENGG141 Macquarie

really easy unit-just go to all the labs and you will breeze through the course.good tutors.

8 years ago

ELEC2075 Macquarie

Reading the book helps more than lectures. Very important to practice solving problems. Assignments...

8 years ago

ENGG3000 Macquarie

Not well organized. It would have been a good unit if it were better structured. Hopefully it will b...

8 years ago

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