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Excellent lecturers and well structured

7 years ago


Not that hard to do well in, provided you turn up to tires and labs and keep up with lectures. Can g...

8 years ago


PSYC 104 was a general unit that was supposed to be interesting but instead was content heavy and va...

8 years ago


Lecturer was great. A lot of content but the final was doable even without past papers. Essay is wor...

8 years ago


Interesting subject, necessary to keep up with lecture content. Good first 2nd year BIOL subject to...

8 years ago


Good general overview of maths from 8-12 (2/3 unit content). SO if you did a bit of maths in school...

8 years ago


A great subject with a great convenor. Sachiko is extremely dedicated and makes the course content u...

8 years ago


very interesting and really fun! lots of content although all really great. not a lot of work requir...

8 years ago


pretty difficult unit, lecturer is quite boring. If you've never done science or chem, i recommend n...

8 years ago


Unnecessary class, terrible people unit... However kind of a breeze. This is a low level English cla...

8 years ago


The unit content was really interesting (with the exception of the Research Design strand, the recor...

8 years ago


This subject is tough for people who have not studied 2 unit math in high school. If you don't get o...

8 years ago


Unnecessary course - lectures are pointless, tutorial material is boring, practicals are the only in...

8 years ago


Scored 96%. Practice and secure a good grade easily.

8 years ago


Scored 88%. A bit challenging but practice will make it look way easier than you think.

8 years ago


good lectures.good tutorials.great content-very useful for all science students.

8 years ago


easy and fun if you have a good group.

8 years ago


excellent content. mandatory for E&M learning. must go to all lectures and tutorials if you want to...

8 years ago


very useful unit-lots of important content to learn. It can be very rewarding if you keep working ha...

8 years ago


You definitely need background knowledge of chemistry to pass this unit. The unit convenor has such...

8 years ago


A lot of content. Fairly easy to do well in if you try hard on the final.

8 years ago


There is a huge amount of content to remember, but each detail is really interesting - totally worth...

8 years ago


Course subject is interesting and engaging. Excursion to Smiths Lake is fun - depending on the weat...

8 years ago


If the unit convenor is the same one - just be prepared for some heavy workload at the end of the se...

8 years ago

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