• 6,022 UniMelb subjects
  • 5,199 UniMelb subject ratings

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This was a very interesting and thought-provoking subject; the content was a bit difficult to get in...

1 month ago


Great subject, and highly recommend Stephen Sempill as a tutor!

1 month ago


Content was interesting and well taught, but the major assignment was poorly explained and very hard...

1 month ago


A great intro to the JD. Very hard to do badly and very helpful feedback from tutors throughout that...

1 month ago


This subject is an absolute WAM booster, and also a great introduction to Spanish. The subject itsel...

1 month ago


Although I agree with many of the negative reviews, but I would still say this is a manageable subje...

1 month ago


Sadly this is a core subject for all science students, gained nothing from this subject, except wast...

1 month ago


Chemistry 1 runs quite well in terms of its sessions, assignments and the supports given. There are...

1 month ago


This subject has been renamed to "Applying Digital Infrastructure," with a slightly different focus...

1 month ago


Pretty easy theory-based subject. A tiny bit boring, but my tutor was very nice and definitely doing...

1 month ago


Now called Music, Learning and Popular Musicians. Took this as a first-year breadth and really, real...

1 month ago


I agree with the reviewers who cite the poor management and communication of this subject, and that...

1 month ago


It's now code ABPL20055. It covers a lot of history, most of which is genuinely interesting. The rea...

1 month ago


Easy but extremely bland -- lectures and tutorials both. Make sure you cite every last thing correct...

1 month ago


I liked it as a breadth, but I had prior experience using Adobe Illustrator. It's not really taught...

1 month ago


Just OK as an introduction to the architecture studio environment (which FoDR is not). A little diso...

1 month ago


Content-heavy and time-consuming with very little of substance. Have heard this referred to as 'FoDR...

1 month ago


The most meaningless series of activities ever devised. Tutor was asked multiple times how any of th...

1 month ago


Yes, it is fast-paced and content-heavy, but it actually teaches you about construction in a tangibl...

1 month ago


pretty easy and fun fieldtrip. Henne is great

1 month ago


This subject is basically just high school plant biology with a couple of extra bits. I recommend it...

1 month ago


A steaming pile of horseshit so noxious that students are known to chew off their own limbs to escap...

1 month ago


interesting topic, engaging lectures and tutors!

1 month ago


I really like this subject! you can definitely get a solid H1 if you do the readings and come to the...

1 month ago

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