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H1 (96%) Comprehensive Lecture + Tutorial Notes

- Includes chronological notes for all 12 weeks, including guest forums held (forum topic may vary y...

83 pages, 17008 words

UNIB10009 - Complete Comprehensive Notes (H1 - 85))

I easily got a H1 (83) in this subject and with my notes you can too! My notes are easy to understan...

74 pages, 24988 words

Comprehensive Food for Healthy Planet notes (H1 87 mark)

Chronological notes for the entire semester and includes all 4 forums held (guest speakers) - Li...

54 pages, 14547 words

H1 Final Exam Cheat Sheet

COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAM CHEAT SHEET - Contains main points for all topics covered in the course (W...

2 pages, 3182 words

H1 (91%) Exam Cheat Sheet

This is a double sided A4 cheat sheet for the end of semester exam. Notes are separated clearly into...

2 pages, 4512 words

PART ONE - High H1 succinct summary notes

Succinct summary notes - incorporating lecture content, tutorial and forum topics. Received a high H...

51 pages, 12000 words


Complete cheat sheet --Very easy to follow --Organised and divided to 4 main topics, titles for e...

8 pages, 4389 words

Food For a Healthy Planet I (FFHP10009) Comprehensive Summary Notes

An easily accessible and comprehensive summary of the FFHP I, with all lectures covered in detail. T...

39 pages, 9812 words

Comprehenive H1 Summary Notes

These summary notes have been divided to cover all the topics and are presented in a lecture by lect...

48 pages, 13568 words

UNIB10009 comprehensive H1 notes

These notes cover everything taught in the subject in a concise manner (summaries of material taught...

41 pages, 8830 words


$10 per hour

Exam Prep | Assignment Guidance | Essay Checking As a highly qualified tutor with a Bachelor's an...


I'm not sure I'd call it a WAM booster but H1 is very achieveable. The content covered is broad, focusing on food security, agriculture, the effect of climate change on food production, famine while also branching to more unique aspects of food such as the French revolution. I thought most lectures were good and had a clear focus, however I thought some others were a bit jumbled and unclear in importance and key ideas (maybe 2-3 lectures out of 22). There are 2 lectures per week and one tutorial, which are just one of the tutors (who are chill) going over the lecture content, posing questions and focusing on some key aspects. The group I was in was quite talkative and I basically didn't contribute to discussions at all by just listening but I understand that they could end up being quite awkward depending on the group. The assignments are alright and not overly difficult to do well in. There is a forum report (30%) assigned to be completed by week 5 and you just have to summarise of one of two (you get to choose) speakers lectures essentially. It changes each year and I was lucky that one of the guest speakers this year focused on an area of interest of mine - ultra processed foods. The next assignment was a research essay (30%) which I found a bit harder. It was broad in the areas you could explore but consequently a tad vague. The feedback I got was a bit unclear in terms of what I could improve. The largest weighted component is a 40% open book exam. You will be able to score well as long as you have taken good notes (a key component of this subject for the exam) and understand the key points/ideas as you can kind of predict/expect certain questions in the short answer section, meaning you won't struggle with the largely weighted short answer questions. The MCQs were okay. They tested a mix of key ideas of content, random facts/ideas that were briefly mentioned and general knowledge. Overall I'm happy I chose it and will do the second version of the subject FFHP II next semester

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

This subject is ok. My biggest problem with it is that there is a new lecturer every week and they all have different styles of teaching. But the tutors are nice and and the content is not too bad if you are interested. I would not want to do this subject again tho as I did not find it that interesting.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

About as average as you can get. Subject was poorly run and a few of the lecturers were awful, but FFAHP is an easy H1 as long as you watch every lecture and make decent notes. Literally just paraphrase the lecture slides for the final exam and you'll be fine. Content was pretty dry, but easy to understand. WAM booster as long as you're willing to sacrifice brain cells.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

This subject was decent, overall. The content was interesting, although it did get somewhat repetitive by the end of the semester. Some of the areas that we focused upon heavily were climate change, the consequences of consuming meat, the basis of a healthy diet, and the discrepancies in food quality between developed and developing countries. The lecturers changed frequently - some were amazing, and others were less so. It's very important to keep up to date with the content, as we were required to submit answers to weekly questions regarding the lecture content learned. I personally had a very disappointing experience with the grading of my Forum Report (a key piece of assessment), so I would highly recommend to seek feedback from your tutor and get them to convey their specific expectations for this assessment! However, I found the MST and the final exam rather straightforward and fair, although a little time-pressed. Please note that the multiple choice section of the exam, as others have said, did at times assess highly random and specific details from lectures that were inconsequential at the time of teaching. I would agree that this subject appears to be 'easy' on the outside, however, don't be fooled by its exterior. The H1 I received required a lot of hard work in creating comprehensive notes, participating in tutorials and completing weekly questions.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Definitely not a WAM if you’re an international student who's really bad in writing! Also, lectures are quite boring if you do this subject online

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

If you think this is a wam booster, you're wrong. My goodness, this subject is chaotic, to say the least. Random research papers collated and then labelled as the 'readings' for this subject. Random lecturers each week with completely different ways of teaching/format of lecture slides. Everything is, in the simplest terms, messy and inconsistent. Even the MC section of the exam was just general knowledge! Don't get me started on the tutors.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

A really interesting subject to do, definitely requires effort to get a good score (but definitely achievable)! Really great tutorials and lectures, a diverse variety of topics were covered. Recommend to anyone who's willing to put in the effort!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

I enjoyed the content in this subject, but I agree that it requires a lot of effort if you want to do well. A H1 is definitely achievable if you put in the effort but it's not a bludge like I thought it would be. They cover so much content and expect you to know fine details for the exam (like a random statistic that was said halfway through Lecture 11). For this reason, I sat in the exam very grateful that I had my notes with me for multiple choice. Definitely interesting and easy to understand, but don't do this subject if you want a breadth you can sleep through.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

WARNING! This subject demands a lot of effort- probably more than some core subjects. Certain tutors were also unwilling to help, and having to do 1 research paper and not getting the feedback before submitting the 2nd was very annoying. Certainly not an easy subject, and content was heavy. The exam also requires you know the weekly reading fairly well.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Not really a well coordinated subject. Having different lecturers every week for different topics makes it inconsistent with the content, and the quality of teaching differs substantially. Plus it was an unfair treatment for students this semester due to the transition to online campus, they changed the MST to another written assignment which is similar to the Forum Report, just with a different topic. Not much guidance is given nor a feedback for the first assignment is given before you start the second one. In fact in a short period of time you have to work on both simultaneously. They could've just carry on with the test instead since finals will be online anyway. Overall, subject content is interesting in some way and I managed to secure a H1, but the structure and coordination of the subject was disappointing.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020