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Grade - 85 (H1) amazing subject and super interesting however it needs effort and isn't a wam booster to reduce workload for the rest of your subjects. Do this is you have nothing else to choose, interested in geology and rocks or are majoring in it. Content wise i would say it is midly content heavy Quizzes - make sure you review the lecture content each week because that what the quizzes are based off. The questions are super specific and not generalised so make sure you know example of mineral properities cause it will ask specific minerals. Do as many practice MCQ as you can. Practical Exam Field Trip - This boosted my grade the most as is worth 20%. You make new friends and its actually super fun. Make sure you listen close to what anne marie says and ask her questions if you don't understand. Make sure you booklet has full sentences, labelled all diagrams, make sure you have axises, scale. USE BOLTSS. It is a easy H1. Practical Exam- memorise all the properities of minerals and rocks being tested, take photos of actual rocks during the prac so you can look back during study time. Create your own practical exam and practice writing responses. Written Exam - This boosted my score only because i took so much time to study for it. DO NOT NEGLECT studying for it. Use the practice exam's Anne Marie provides a lot of the questions repeat and do not study content from older study designs they arn't relevant. With MCQ make you own or search on google practice MCQ for each subtopic.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2024

Highly recommend even if you don’t think you are into geology or earth sciences. The pracs and field trip allow you to make friends more easily than other subjects, content is pretty interesting and useful to know as general knowledge, and everyone is super nice and eager to help. Don’t be put off by the 3 hour pracs - most finish early if you keep up. Never thought I would be so interested in rocks by the end!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

Fun field trip

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014

Wonderful introduction into Geology/Earth Sciences. Can't look at rocks the same way ever again! The subject does well into providing insights into identifying rocks, reading/drawing geological maps and offers a fun field trip. Went into the subject expecting very little but came out with a whole new perspective of the world around me. Word of advice, the field trip has most of the marks so make sure you don't fool around too much and put in the required work hours, a lot of people suffered because they slacked off.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015