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Before I begin, I apologise for the poor formatting, it's really hard to hold my frustration in from...

3 years ago


The majority of the lecturers are excellent - great teachers, know their content. The content itse...

3 years ago


The field trip is an amazing experience. (Driving around the south island of New Zealand to look at...

3 years ago


One of my favourite subjects. Really interesting content, great lecturers, really in-depth look at...

3 years ago


Easy first year subject, I watched all the lectures on 2x and did half the readings and still manage...

3 years ago


Not a very difficult subject as long as you keep working on it. Tutors are the nicest tutor I have e...

3 years ago


The pace of this subject is very fast and it would be alot easier if you had done year 12 maths inst...

3 years ago


The real WAM booster. I got H1 on all assignments. Sadly, I didn't get to do the placement due to Co...

3 years ago


One of the best subjects during my uni years!! It doesn't even feel like a subject, because everytim...

3 years ago


Amy Perfors is the best lecturer ever. I thought this subject would be so difficult, but she explain...

3 years ago


Pretty easy H1, keep up with the work, get help when you need it, that's honestly all you need to do...

3 years ago


The subject content was OK, I never really liked the highly conceptual bits, but loved the straightf...

3 years ago


Online learning forced JAP to be on zoom, with two sessions every week, 30mins per session; the rest...

3 years ago


As a few other people have said, I also loved biology in high school, for some background, I got 44...

3 years ago


Lectures and tutorials are relaxing, interesting and engaging. The staff teaching this subject are r...

3 years ago


I did the winter intensive for this course, and it was really, really enjoyable. I would recommend f...

3 years ago


Everyone who did it talked highly of this subject, and it definitely would have been more fun if not...

3 years ago


I'm just writing this for people like me, who may not be strong mathematicians like me and scared of...

3 years ago


A nice extension from high school with second-order ODEs, hyperbolic functions, and functions of 2 v...

3 years ago


The subject begins from our immediate solar system and ventures beyond. Some topics I found less int...

3 years ago


The core content covered in advanced physics is similar to the standard steam. What separates the tw...

3 years ago


As you probably guessed, the subject has a history of poor coordination (and very sadly it still con...

3 years ago


The subject surveys the key ideas in multivariable and vector calculus which is very useful in areas...

3 years ago


It isn't exactly fair to say Real Analysis is difficult, it is just different. This subject is based...

3 years ago

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