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Financial Risk Management is widely used in the commercial bank, insurance and superannuation compan...

7 years ago


A compulsory course in the Finance bachelor study, which generally introduced the structure of the f...

7 years ago


As a actuarial foundation level course, this one could be regarded as the introductory subjects for...

7 years ago


This is a very basic introductory corporate finance subject according to my study and teaching exper...

7 years ago


Lise Barry had structured this subject awfully. The lectures are replaced by recycled audio recordin...

7 years ago


Really interest topic and well taught. I had learnt so much about policing from Ochoa. His tutorial...

7 years ago


This was one of my favourite subjects. It was absolutely interesting and fantastic. The lecturer and...

7 years ago


The convener and lecturer were really nice. Taught really well and the topics were really engaging....

7 years ago


The lecturer is too subjective (Peter Rogers). He is very arrogant and was very rude to me. His subj...

7 years ago


In order to do well in this subject, keep up to date weekly!!! I cannot stress out the fact of how i...

7 years ago


The worst subject I've ever done. No-one in class had any idea how to do the assessments, and tutors...

7 years ago


This subject is great if you want to expand your knowledge on Australian history. It's best paired w...

7 years ago


Easy pass. I don't think this is such a great thing for AHIS students though. Kyle is really snobby...

7 years ago


Really interesting! Sometimes this subject felt a little disjointed and disorganized though.

7 years ago


I honestly felt like this entire unit was dedicated entirely to geography teachers. Not too much his...

7 years ago


This has been my most favourite Modern subject so far! Leigh is so easy-going and funny it makes you...

7 years ago


The psychology units for Education get better, trust me. This is really good for foundational knowle...

7 years ago


Quite a breezy unit! Really good for initial understandings of sociological contexts of education.

7 years ago


I had Tanya Evans for this one and she really drills all of the content knowledge into you. This is...

7 years ago


Very good beginners unit for Ancient History students, and Alex Woods is a really amazing lecturer a...

7 years ago


Stuart is honestly one of the best tutors/lecturers I've ever had! He makes the most difficult conte...

7 years ago


Possibly the most boring and worst subject I have ever done - Actually considering changing my major...

7 years ago


Really straightforward unit. It can be a little confusing though if you've never studied legal studi...

7 years ago


I really enjoyed this unit. The assignments were extremely time-consuming but it was easy to get goo...

7 years ago

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