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Be proactive. This subject is a great introduction but you have to keep up in the textbook and with...

9 years ago


This unit is actually called Curriculum and Teaching in the Primary School 4. It covers both English...

9 years ago


This unit allows you to gain an insight into how people socialise with others and provides informati...

9 years ago


Very engaging unit that is applicable to teaching maths in schools and isn't only theoretical. Great...

9 years ago


This unit is not content heavy. It provides students with great ideas about how and what to teach du...

9 years ago


Some parts of this unit were a little dry, however the tutorials allowed for a great deal of discuss...

9 years ago


Great unit, learnt a great deal about how to include all students in lessons and how to differentiat...

9 years ago


Very interactive lectures, however the material is provided in an awkward way with some lectures bei...

9 years ago


One of my favourite psychology units. Very interesting and applicable to the real-world.

9 years ago


Interesting unit with small amounts of information for each area of psychology. Similar to PSYC104 b...

9 years ago


Lecture content was very interesting and interactive. Not just theoretical knowledge but applicable...

9 years ago


One of my favourite psychology units. Very broad content areas that provides a taste of many psychol...

9 years ago


Great unit with very interesting theories. Suitable for students studying psychology and education.

9 years ago


One of my favourite units at uni! It was really engaging and I feel like it prepared me for the teac...

9 years ago


This unit is extremely interesting and especially helpful for students studying psychology and educa...

9 years ago


I've got Catherine as a tutor and She's the best. Very well-designed unit. you'll love it. although...

9 years ago


I loved the tutor but however I thought that most of the marks were concentrated in the last few wee...

9 years ago


I loved this unit. low-pressure and not much of stress I believe. I recommend you to choose it.

9 years ago


It's a good subject if you are interested in Feminism issues all around the world. Assessments are b...

9 years ago


Lecturer is very nice but trails off topic very easily. Some things can be quite dull to learn about...

9 years ago


Very, very interesting and fun topic! And we get to watch movies!

9 years ago


Readings are way too much. Gives us materials that are 15-30 pages (there's more than one reading, s...

9 years ago


Great choice for a people unit- you won't regret it! It reduces so much stress because the lectures...

9 years ago


Interesting course, but can get difficult if you dont keep up. Macro is always more interesting as i...

9 years ago

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