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Super interesting and enjoyable. This unit was structured well and it is easy to keep up to date wit...

3 years ago


Easy subject to get a HD in. The quizzes and the assessments are quite straightforward and VERY simi...

3 years ago


The lecturer (Joyce) and the tutors are amazing. There is a LOT of content, but Joyce and the tutors...

3 years ago


Stay on top of the content. Concepts aren't hard to grasp. You'll be fine if you are willing to put...

3 years ago


Stay on top of the content. Concepts aren't hard to grasp. You'll be fine if you are willing to put...

3 years ago


This subject teaches some basic statistics principles. However, full marks for the subject can be ac...

3 years ago


Honestly a VERY EASY UNIT. Pay attention to what you actually need, understand the process of execut...

3 years ago


such an interesting and awesome unit! Just make sure you take lots of notes but easy to get a D/HD....

3 years ago


Good god, what a unit..... This unit literally was the catalyst for my severe mental decline over t...

4 years ago


I cannot begin to describe how much I loved this unit. Simon is a fantastic and fair convenor, who i...

4 years ago


Good subject, ok lecturer

4 years ago


Very easy, <1 hour of lecture content per week. Structured very clearly, with a new disorder every w...

4 years ago


much harder than you would think; intense work load. 3 hours of lectures, 2 hours of tutorials and a...

4 years ago


If you're interested in aid/global politics/poverty this subject is amazing and super impactful. Mak...

4 years ago


Very challenging unit due to the immense content workload. It is interesting but difficult!

4 years ago


I loved this unit so much. Michael is an amazing lecturer and does things throughout the lecture to...

4 years ago


Overall an okay unit. I didn't really enjoy it as it is really focused on people studying Psych, and...

4 years ago


Did this in Session 3. There's a LOT of content to remember, so I wouldn't recommend this if you're...

4 years ago


This unit is a direct continuation from MATH1010 so if you did well in the latter then there's no re...

4 years ago


Tutorials are somewhat useless but, trust me, this is a good maths unit to start your maths career a...

4 years ago


This unit was pretty good, though some of the lecturers are a bit crap. Interesting general overview...

4 years ago


Maybe I'm a little biased because I want to go into a research career, but this is my favourite unit...

4 years ago


Terrible unit! I went into it already knowing most of the content so I disregarded previous bad revi...

4 years ago


This introductory statistics unit is very straight forward, it is identical to the STAT1170 course (...

4 years ago

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