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Great unit with relevant, interesting content.

2 years ago


If you are looking to perhaps waste your money, precious time, and maybe millions of braincells - th...

2 years ago


Well run unit. Keep up to date with the unit content and do practice questions each week and you wil...

3 years ago


Strong workload, but good opportunity to boost WAM. As advised by another student, start your essay...

3 years ago


1104 was better, just because it covers more interesting topics. When I did this unit stats was a co...

3 years ago


An interesting unit that brings you into the wider world of math. Interesting extensions to the math...

3 years ago


Another enjoyable math unit that brings you into the wider world of math

3 years ago


Amazing unit to introduce you to university level mathematics.

3 years ago


Amazing start to uni math. Eases you in without being too demanding.

3 years ago


Very interesting unit with great lecturers, however, there was nowhere near enough time to complete...

3 years ago


They tried to cover too much in a short amount of time. Marking was very harsh, particularly for the...

3 years ago


Anatomy of Limbs and back is a interesting, fun and excellent unit, but it is also very content heav...

3 years ago


I did not really enjoy this subject (thanks core units for making my studies more difficult). The st...

3 years ago


Really interesting content, the convenor and tutors were incredibly helpful and responsive during th...

3 years ago


Great unit! The content is easy to follow, and Professor Norberg goes beyond the role of a convenor...

3 years ago


Professor Melissa Norberg helped me a lot during my undergraduate year. The unit was very interestin...

3 years ago


Loved this unit. My major is on Human Biology but I picked this unit for fun and to be honest I am s...

3 years ago


Honestly best unit I have done. Michael is possibly the best lecture I have ever had and will ever h...

3 years ago


I was enjoying this unit until we had to move online. We only got to actually interact in class once...

3 years ago


extremely easy unit, and impossible not to get a HD. It's a little boring but external subject is on...

3 years ago


Boring unit but very easy to do well in as long as you do the practice tests which are identical to...

3 years ago


This unit is challenging but you learn a lot. The information is super useful as well. When I was on...

4 years ago


All of the below comments have really shed some light on the individuals completing an undergraduate...

4 years ago


This unit features a lot of abstract concepts that aren't as engaging or exciting as the concepts co...

4 years ago

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