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I have to say, this subject took a while for me to appreciate. At first, it was quite hard to see th...

6 months ago


The content had so much potential to be interesting but the delivery method (individual short videos...

7 months ago


I absolutely loved this subject. I'm more of a physiology/medicine gal and this subject was right up...

7 months ago


This is an okay subject. We got a lot of time to do research but this is obviously complicated by te...

7 months ago


I didn't really like this subject. The quizzes (10%) were basically a free 10%. However, the remaini...

7 months ago


Grade: H1 (82). Coming from an average unimelb student who usually gets a Pass or H2b for computin...

7 months ago

FINA 20036

Grade: H1 (83). I would recommend any Science students to take this subject, even if you have no a...

7 months ago


The main lecturer was awesome and the subject should be pretty straightforward if you have done the...

7 months ago


Grade: 100. You'll do good if you do lots of practice questions and pay attention in lectures. The e...

7 months ago


Interesting subject. There's lots of content to get through, so make sure you stay on top of the wee...

7 months ago


H1 (87). PROP10001 is a very easy, albeit at times boring WAM booster. The first assessment is worth...

7 months ago


Not exactly a WAM booster...scored high 80's, but the quizzes are hard. And you are also marked hars...

7 months ago


Scored 91: For assignment 1, make sure to follow the guidelines. If it says no text, then don't use...

7 months ago


100% a WAM booster. Scored 91. 50% of marks are guaranteed lol. The essay is marked more harshly tho...

7 months ago


Grade: 90+. Dr Jackson is amazing. Sign up for her tutorial! Easy H1 if you actually put the work in...

7 months ago


Grade: 90+. If you're looking for an easy biology subject, not a lot of work, easy to get H1, then t...

7 months ago


Interesting subject, especially if you're into IR. However, it's very theory-based and requires a lo...

7 months ago


why this is a prereq for anatomy and physiology is beyond me

7 months ago


Would not recommend this subject, even though Angelina is a fantastic coordinator some of the lectur...

7 months ago


Incredibly well organised for a level 1 subject (compared to 1st year bio which is horrendous). The...

7 months ago


This subject was not too bad. The first 6 weeks were not really interesting, as it just covered basi...

7 months ago


This subject was ok overall. Some of the content covered, such as infectious diseases, was quite int...

7 months ago


This was a decent subject. The subject content was very interesting, although a bit challenging at t...

7 months ago


This was an excellent subject with very interesting content. We covered various applications of math...

7 months ago

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