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  • 2,912 Macq. subject ratings

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Very abstract! Quite hard to follow as well, particularly when Ilija was the convenor (I think it wa...

8 years ago


More enjoyable than 248, although it is a competitive unit for honours hopefuls, so good to stay on...

8 years ago


I'm giving this 4/5 because stepping into class each week was like throwing open the doors of a Marx...

8 years ago


I wish I could justify a better rating for this subject because I am such a fangirl of the lecturer...

8 years ago


This unit didn't speak to me on a spiritual level. Simple assessment structure, super easy exam (cla...

8 years ago


Breather subject so the education outcome it isn't worth the price ($1143 in 2015), but you don't ne...

8 years ago


The lecturer seemed a little tedious, but she was going through everything really thoroughouly, and...

8 years ago


If the unit convenor is the same one - just be prepared for some heavy workload at the end of the se...

8 years ago


Really interesting topics throughout the semester, every week I was genuinely interested in each top...

8 years ago


Very easy subject only if you have a decent level of mathematics background. otherwise, stay away fr...

8 years ago


Not particularly interesting but I'd say the group assignment is quite meaningful and a good chance...

8 years ago


suited to someone who has some level of maths background. If you have that then this subject would b...

8 years ago


Really enjoyed this subject. Very easy and the lectures are online which was better for me personall...

8 years ago


Conflicted on this subject. The lecturer was mostly great - most engaging I've had, but I think she...

8 years ago


Marking is tough in this subject. The bi-weekly case studies and the main assignment were both marke...

8 years ago


Content was ok as long as you read a week ahead so you could understand the lectures. The lectures...

8 years ago


All I can say is it's very content heavy and disorganized.

8 years ago


Very difficult subject. Content is interesting mathematically, but difficult to understand. It would...

8 years ago


Subject is interesting and lecturer is enthusiastic, but unused to teaching. Can be difficult to und...

8 years ago


Love this lecturer and the tutors in this course. Fun, interesting, and thought provoking. An easy u...

8 years ago


Fun and interesting unit to take. Matt is a fantastic lecturer. If you liked ISYS100 and have a keen...

8 years ago


Quality highly dependent on your lecturer/tutor. 2015 lecturer was very dry, boring, monotone, and h...

8 years ago


Fantastic lecturer who makes the subject fun and interesting. Easy content, tested thoroughly to mot...

8 years ago


The first half of the unit was rather boring and hard to follow. I also found that it was difficult...

8 years ago

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