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Topics include: inference about one and two sample problems using normal theory and non-parametric m...

7 years ago


This unit is designed to bring students with no econometrics background to an intermediate level in...

7 years ago


really really stretches your thinking but in a super fun way!

7 years ago


An unanimous view on the unit is that it's AMAZING! And I totally agree. - enthusaistic convenor...

7 years ago


This unit introduces some basic econometric techniques, which are used extensively in marketing and...

7 years ago


This unit has truly enlightened me. I have learnt so much about myself, the world and Aboriginal peo...

7 years ago


Very practical, but assignments, class test, and exam are tough

7 years ago


This has been my most favourite subject this semester. I took the unit as my people unit. I love the...

7 years ago


good subject however i found it repeated much of what was already coverd in ECST1 and ESCT2

7 years ago


i enjoyed the content of the unit however 2 hr lectures are difficult. i recommend doing this unit e...

7 years ago


If you have any statistical or mathematical background this will be a repeat of anything you have le...

7 years ago


Very difficult for those who have a weak background in mathematics. Recommend doing first year mathe...

7 years ago


Most enjoyable statistics subject so far. If you get David Bulger as your lecturer, celebrate. You a...

7 years ago


Stay on top of the material! Content is not difficult.

7 years ago


Lecturer was a bit of a poor communicator. Lectures were difficult to follow. Did not like the way...

7 years ago


Difficult unit. Readings are difficult to understand and assignments are marked hard. If analysing t...

7 years ago


I learned a lot in this subject, and I'm genuinely interested in it, however I felt personally that...

7 years ago


the lecturer that blames me for taking pictures of one slide shown in the lecture though he never sa...

7 years ago


It's a good course because there aren't any lectures. It's relatively easy, except for the amount of...

7 years ago


Really content-heavy, but participation in the tutorials and pracs make everything easy to understan...

7 years ago


If you did General Maths in high school, this subject is literally going to be the death of you. If...

7 years ago


The content of this subject was interesting, although it was largely up to students to teach themsel...

7 years ago


Ilija is a great convenor. Makes everything clear and concise, especially when the textbook material...

7 years ago


Assignments were very time consuming regardless even when the weighting was only 10%. Marking criter...

7 years ago

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