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As someone who was not very good at stats i really enjoyed this subject.

6 years ago


FAV SUBJECT EVER! SO interesting and fantastic teaching staff

6 years ago


An incredibly interesting and relevant subject. Very fast paced but covers a range of different topi...

6 years ago


Incredibly unorganised unit. Having very little lectures and basing pretty much the whole content of...

6 years ago


I found myself actually enjoying listening to lectures for this unit even on weekend nights as the l...

6 years ago


I learnt a lot about the corruption and pitfalls of international aid, which were very insightful an...

6 years ago


Not usually a huge fan of BIOL subjects but this one is pretty good. Staff are fantastic, content is...

6 years ago


Pretty average subject. Should really be PHYS or MATH designation rather than HLTH. Mostly calculati...

6 years ago


Have no idea why this subject is rated so highly.. it’s hard to think of positives for this unit and...

6 years ago


Michael Gillings, the Lecturer was absolutely amazing! I could listen to him all day. He is the best...

6 years ago


Similar to past reviews, I thought the actual content was super interesting and relevant to the work...

6 years ago


The year I took it the convener boasted on her Facebook about the high fail rate of the course, My h...

6 years ago


They say convenor-in-charge for PSY248 was bad, they haven't seen the convenor-in-charge for PSY246!...

6 years ago


Really enjoyed the unit, though quite laidback it was very informative

6 years ago


Alyssa made stats actually bearable! I have failed every maths exam in my life and struggled initial...

6 years ago


Great subject for anyone taking Psychology. This is a core unit and so it is compulsory, but it prov...

6 years ago


A really cool class to take if you have any interest in Environmental issues, both locally and globa...

6 years ago


Liked the content, very interesting though the lecture structure changed everytime there was a guest...

6 years ago


Despite the friendly faculty staff, this subject really was awful. Heavy content, poorly explained t...

6 years ago


Good Subject, but content heavy. Reasonably simple to do well in.. just stay up to date with each sy...

6 years ago


Bit of a dry subject, if you have a choice - choose Systems Physiology (BIOL247). Practicals for me...

6 years ago


Average subject, I'd probably say avoid it if it's not a core subject for your degree. Make friends...

6 years ago


This subject can pretty much be split into Conceptual Genetics (advanced concepts built from BIOL115...

6 years ago


As in intro subject to organic chemistry, obviously this subject has quite a lot of content and a wi...

6 years ago

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