Human Genetics Theory
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View all BIOL345 notesGenetics Theory Notes
All topics covered and expanded upon, with easy to understand breakdowns and diagrams as well as exa...
61 pages, 26556 words
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Terrible lectures without a purpose. Unclear what you are meant to be learning BC so many case studies and unstructured content. Hard to follow, because no logical order to anything. Uninspiring subject. Waste of time.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Not usually a huge fan of BIOL subjects but this one is pretty good. Staff are fantastic, content is interesting. The disease assignment is actually enjoyable and you learn heaps from it, just make sure you’ve been paying attention in bioinformatics practicals (they can be a bit dry..). Definitely don’t need to buy the text book and I’d recommend digging out your BIOL206 notes; they will definitely help with calculations and remembering the fundamental genetic concepts to help comprehending the harder stuff:
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Very content heavy, don't underestimate this subject. Interesting stuff, but will take up a lot of your time.