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For beginners it is a great subject to start with. It will start with Pinyin which is the foundation...

8 years ago


Introduction to programming using Java as a primary language. The unit teaches you the fundamentals...

8 years ago


I had Katrien Stevens, and she explained things well, even going through examples, graphs and other...

8 years ago


Nektarios did a stellar job explaining this introduction to econometrics, and while his lecture note...

8 years ago


I'm normally a micro person, but this subject exceeded my expectations. Lots of maths, but Susana an...

8 years ago


The content was ok, but it didn't feel as exciting as MKTG1001 for some reason.

8 years ago


Jeany Yip is a veritable god-send. Brilliant lecturer, super organised and engaging.

8 years ago


It's important to keep up with the weekly work! For the final exam, go through all tutorial question...

8 years ago


I LOVE this subject. We even have transcripts for our lectures! The concepts are cool and interest...

8 years ago


It was ok for an introductory course, but not really engaging. The feedback for each assignment was...

8 years ago


I agree if you don't have a mathematical background it will be hard to understand the concepts. I do...

8 years ago


Abdul from Sydney Uni is amazing. However, the exams are much harder than the tutorial questions.

8 years ago


A better understanding to more chinese characters and at the same time learning how to pronounce the...

8 years ago


Charlotte is actually frikkin amazing, she does exactly what people come to study humanities for - g...

8 years ago


woah nelly! - this is not a unit for the faint hearted! If you want to challenge your mind and get d...

8 years ago


Bloody brilliant unit. I learnt an amazing amount about how the US political system works and why th...

8 years ago


cool unit - cool lecturer. Bill has so much heart and loves his subject. really interesting if you w...

8 years ago


boring... but you must do it.. Marx is cool, but only when you actually read him, which you don't in...

8 years ago


I'm not going to say I LOVED either of the intro PHIL units.. they are like a fast walk through an e...

8 years ago


Great survey course. But its more like a history of philosophy rather than getting your feet wet in...

8 years ago


Brilliant subject. But be warned its theory heavy. Having said that, you'll use these concepts throu...

8 years ago


This is a fascinating course that provides you with a solid grounding in many of the issues of confl...

8 years ago


This subject is a good gauge whether you'll survive psych or not. It's hard work and memorising will...

8 years ago


To anyone taking this course, learn your practicals inside and out. A lot of the mark comes from the...

8 years ago

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