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- Engineering
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Latest activity on Engineering subjects at UNSW...
A truly fantastic course that offers new content delivered fantastically by a wonderful lecturer. A...
5 years ago
As long as u did great in MATH1131, MATH1B is fairly similar to 1A, according to study load and cont...
5 years ago
Very useful course - covers SQL programming and theory concepts such as ER diagrams and relational a...
5 years ago
Very good course! If you're really looking to get stuck into programming go for COMP1511 though, as...
5 years ago
Great introduction to computing.
This is not an easy course, but provides a great depth and get you...
5 years ago
Pretty disorganised overall. Tutorials weren't helpful and labs didn't relate to the lecture materia...
5 years ago
Lecturers are brilliant, but if you didn't do a high level of maths in high school get ready for a s...
5 years ago
This subject is structured well, but no need to attend every lecture. There are 3 assignments and no...
6 years ago
The content was interesting, but the lecturers are not very approachable. Best way to study for this...
6 years ago
One of the more difficult courses, however topics are interesting.
6 years ago
Useful content and fairly examined.
6 years ago
Content is interesting and useful.
6 years ago
Well taught and structured. One of my favourite courses at uni.
6 years ago
Covers all basics of electronics. Fairly tough course for 1st year.
6 years ago
Great first year mathematics course. Covers essential topics at a good level of difficulty.
6 years ago
Challenging course, but if you put in the work you will give you self every chance of passing. Bigge...
6 years ago
If you did great in Math 1131 & 1231, that would not be a problem. You need to be really ready befor...
6 years ago
That is an interesting course. You need to read all lec notes or relevant topics before you go into...
6 years ago
Labs are kind of hard, it takes much effort, but they give you 2 weeks time so it is fine. If you ca...
6 years ago
Very straightforward course
6 years ago
A unique and interesting course, very different to the other civil engineering subjects
6 years ago
Quite an easy maths course compared to first year maths. A lot of content is repeated as well
6 years ago
Quite a challenging course but rewarding if you manage to get your head around the fundamental conce...
6 years ago
Concepts are useful but the overall content was a bit repetitive/tedious
6 years ago
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