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lectures are confusing in terms of explanation, subtitles are needed to better understand the contex...

3 years ago


Loved this unit! Not only is it super important to learn about taxes, I found learning about the dif...

3 years ago


Personally really enjoyed this unit, only because I found it very relevant to everyday life as a con...

3 years ago


soooooo bad

3 years ago


Did not enjoy this unit at all. Terrible lectures, boring content, no guidance with assignments. If...

3 years ago


Unit is so stressful. I don't feel motivated to attend the class or learn. Also, seriously? No formu...

3 years ago


Worse unit

3 years ago


It really tests your financial understanding and good for building the basis of finance to explore f...

3 years ago


useless assessment, 45 sec for 10% lol. Assessment is not related to anything you learn from this un...

3 years ago


Weekly quiz and excel work was a bit hard at times. I felt like I was just given the answers without...

3 years ago


Exam is way too long. I couldn't even finish 1/3 of the questions. It doesn't help when there was on...

3 years ago


Personally disliked this unit and wouldn't ever want to do again. You are expected to work hard and...

3 years ago


Pretty good unit, interesting content and the lectures are decent. Group work was a pain (the age ol...

3 years ago


I'd give this unit zero stars if I could. We got the wrong readings and didn't get the correct re...

3 years ago


Lectures don't explain or even mention excel functions and formulas ( which we use for all assessmen...

3 years ago


My psychiatrist took my off my sleeping meds because listening to this unit's content before bed put...

3 years ago


One of the worst units I ever did. Lakmal was quite strict and he made the unit more complicated tha...

3 years ago


Heavy workload, taught badly online

3 years ago


Unit content isn't too bad in general but unfortunately, lectures and tutors' response can be quite...

3 years ago


12 long weeks of pure stress. I thoroughly disliked how this subject was run. The content itself is...

3 years ago


Rob Hyndman is the goat. Robert J. Baratheon Hyndman. A hero.

3 years ago


Challenging subject but very interesting. I just didn't like the way the subject was organised and t...

3 years ago


Like many others, I absolutely hate this unit. Erica answers so vaguely and doesn't help. Jacki is s...

3 years ago


Pretty good analytical skills learnt from excel. Some of the assessments are a bit vague, but overal...

3 years ago

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