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The many theories of personality really added to my understanding of psychology as a whole. This sub...

7 years ago


Really interesting to learn about so many different religions through history and their cultural art...

7 years ago


Really interesting, lecturer provided a lot of guidance and knowledge that would be useful in practi...

7 years ago


Very interesting material. Seminars do not help with the assignment as they never go in depth with t...

7 years ago


Love the unit chair, very clear and easy to follow. Seminars were very interesting going over all th...

7 years ago


very frustrating to have 2 different discourse going on between class and seminars tutors. Even have...

7 years ago


The lecturer was very supportive. There was plenty guidance and support all the way. The structure a...

7 years ago


The subject itself is interest. However, there was no guidance given on the assignment. The essay qu...

7 years ago


Good subject, but can be a little dull at times.

7 years ago


Victoria and Brienna are both very helpful and I thoroughly enjoyed this unit.

7 years ago


Absolutely the worst unit I've ever studied at Uni. The new lecturer Anthony is rude, unhelpful and...

7 years ago


Like HPS111, there is a lot of overlap with VCE Psych. The content was interesting and the workload...

7 years ago


This unit was literally VCE Psychology. There is no new content. Thus, I found the content of the un...

7 years ago


The unit had a lot in common with VCE Psychology, and I found it incredibly easy. The assignment was...

7 years ago


I found this unit to be far harder than the other seven units I've studied so far. It was interestin...

7 years ago


I found the content very interesting and all staff members did their utter best to be helpful. I fou...

7 years ago


I found my lecturer/tutor to be incredibly engaging and understanding of student's needs. He made it...

7 years ago


A very interesting unit and perfect for commencing students. Trish (the lecturer) was very enthusias...

7 years ago


Content of the Unit is interesting/entertaining and will set you up decently well for using Rapidmin...

7 years ago


Cruisy class, not difficult to get 90%+ / HD in.

7 years ago


Unit Chair is useless, takes ages to respond to questions on Cloud, resources are difficult to find...

7 years ago


I completed this subject in T3 2016. i really enjoyed it. being totally on the cloud it was a litt...

7 years ago


A very easy Subject

7 years ago


A very good subject I received a HD

7 years ago

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