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I didn't think I'd enjoy taxation law, however the content was actually fairly interesting, and the...

6 years ago


The lecturer for Burwood was not enjoyable at all and didn't seem to be that familiar with the conte...

6 years ago


Really interesting.

6 years ago


If you are patient enough to get a clarity of the concepts first, this unit is not that difficult an...

6 years ago


You have to be a certain kind of person to enjoy tax law... Yes, I am that person. That being said...

6 years ago


A really good basic understanding how the macro economy functions, also very handy if studying finan...

6 years ago


Very content heavy and can be quite dense, but very interesting and rewarding content. Ben Saunders...

6 years ago


You have to remember quite a bit here. Bone landmarks, what bones articulate with which other bones,...

6 years ago


Just a heads up, a lot of people find this subject boring. But it's not a hard subject. Here are som...

6 years ago


You do x5 pracs each worth 8% each. 10 quizzes each worth 2% each. Exam worth 40%. TIPS: 1. Do...

6 years ago


The concepts in this subject could have been taught in a short course. I got a little out of it but...

6 years ago


The assignments are so ambiguously marked, you put so much effort into it and then get the most ridi...

6 years ago


Its a useful unit. The information you get is great and the unit chair is really helpful, but it's a...

6 years ago


Incredibly interesting unit. Ensure to keep up with weekly content so you don't feel overwhelmed.

6 years ago


Decent pace if you have no chemistry knowledge

6 years ago


Ridiculously harsh essay and exam marking. Especially considering it was offered for the first time...

6 years ago


Worst experience and kick to your confidence in law school overall. The assignment was marked unreas...

6 years ago


If you haven't done VCE chemistry DON'T PANIC! It's not rocket science trust me. Just stay up to da...

6 years ago


Bit boring BUT the exam is EASY! Also I bought the textbook but didn't even open it. If you understa...

6 years ago


It's a fun subject! You get to measure things like VO2 max and do different tests on the bicycle (er...

6 years ago


Easy subject! Contact Gerard if you need any help. This should be an easy Distinction or High Distin...

6 years ago


Contact Gerard if you require any assistance with this subject. With his help I can guarantee you wi...

6 years ago


Very Easy Subject! I had no accounting knowledge prior to this and with the help of my tutor (Gerar...

6 years ago


Easy subject, the focus is on financial maths and statistics. A lot of students do poorly in the exa...

6 years ago

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