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View all MLL406 notesMLL406: Taxation Law Notes. Won the top student in the cohort (96 HD) and scored 100% on the exam
These are my fully comprehensive detailed notes for MLL406. This is all I used for the exam. I have...
67 pages, 33534 words
I received a HD in the overall subject. These notes are a compilation of lecture materials, cases...
139 pages, 76055 words
MLL406: Taxation Law Notes. Won the top student in the cohort (96 HD) and scored 100% on the exam
These are my fully comprehensive detailed notes for MLL406. This is all I used for the exam. I have...
67 pages, 33534 words
Simplified tax law notes that helped me to understand all of the major topics in preparation for the...
14 pages, 9890 words
These notes are everything you need to pass taxation law. Notes include: detailed case summaries, cl...
264 pages, 83740 words
HD QUALITY - Taxation - Exam Notes
The notes include: - All topics (excluding Topic 1 - Introduction) covered in the MLL406 course...
96 pages, 34258 words
TAX EXAM NOTES (*HD*) | Clear and Concise
I prepared these notes weekly during the trimester and spent a lot of time summarising so there is o...
43 pages, 16954 words
MLL406 Taxation Law concise, easy to follow exam notes and a step by step approach on how to answer...
48 pages, 19561 words
MLL406 Taxation T2 2019 (91 HD) exam and assignment (100%) notes
These are my detailed notes for the final exam and for the assignment in MLL406 in 2019. My mark...
68 pages, 13214 words
MLL406 Taxation HD (91) Exam Notes & Templates
Comprehensive and practical notes on Taxation law that enabled me to achieve a 91 HD for the unit....
158 pages, 57903 words
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RELIABLE-RESPONSIBLE-PATIENT-ACCESSIBLE [LIVE ZOOM] Looking for a friendly tutor who can help you...
Karan Sanjeev
$60 per hour
I have completed my Masters of Professional Accounting and Finance from the Deakin University. I hav...
Taxation is a well-taught unit with an excellent lecturer, Monica. The unit is not as complicated or as difficult as people tend to think, and is definitely very interesting and useful for life. Highly recommended.
Anonymous, Trimester 2, 2019
I didn't think I'd enjoy taxation law, however the content was actually fairly interesting, and the lecturer (Monica) was engaging and made it very enjoyable. If she's the lecturer I couldn't recommend this subject more.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017
You have to be a certain kind of person to enjoy tax law... Yes, I am that person. That being said, I have had feedback from others who hate the subject area with a passion, who still found it engaging because the lecturer, Monica, was awesome!
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017
Worst, most boring subject ever. Hate it with a passion and can't believe it is a core subject as I will never use it in practice. Should only be required for people who actually want to be tax lawyers (if anyone is that crazy).
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014
Tax Law is quite a technical subject. The assignment is quite challenging and don't recommend leaving it to the last minute. It is worth keeping up-to-date with the subject in order to understand all the concepts. However, it is a very useful and interesting subject also.