• 3,826 UWA subjects
  • 2,681 UWA subject ratings

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I love learning Italian, and the tutor/lecturer Marina was very good. I feel like it was very fast p...

5 years ago


Unit was fairly easy one you got the hang of the diagrams and explanations to go with them. However...

5 years ago


Despite the content being very dry/uninteresting it is reasonably easy to keep up with and understan...

5 years ago


not the most interesting unit, but was very achievable to get a HD due to the lecturer Marty always...

5 years ago


An easy unit which you can pass easily. The field trip is random but if you have friends in the unit...

5 years ago


If you've never done any French before you really have to do a lot of self-study. They go through co...

5 years ago


This unit is amazing if you’re interested in drugs or medicine in general. The content is fairly bro...

5 years ago


Reading past reviews I thought it'd be a lot easier than it was. There is a lot of content to rememb...

5 years ago


Not sure how I felt about this unit. The exam was made up of multi choice, short answer and an essay...

5 years ago


You have to voluntarily speak in tutes to get full marks - so would recommend doing required reading...

5 years ago


A very easy unit with minimal effort required to achieve a good grade. Only one lecture and one tuto...

5 years ago


A manageable unit with high capability of achieving HD / D. A group presentation worth 35% so be car...

5 years ago


Significantly uninteresting but easy content to score a HD / D. Calculations & workshops can get fru...

5 years ago


A challenging unit but fairly doable. The practicals & calculations test will bring you down heavy i...

5 years ago


If you want easy marks this unit is for you. If you want to actually learn some useful stuff and get...

5 years ago


Do not take this unit it has been changed from previous years. It is no longer open book and the con...

5 years ago


Anyone considering this unit needs to be aware it has been changed drastically in 2018. It is no lon...

5 years ago


A well-run unit. You learn a bit of tedious cell communication content, and then move on to metaboli...

5 years ago


Workload: 3/5 Exam workload: 1/5 CA:5/5 Overall assessment:3/5 Continuous Assessment: 8 pre-la...

5 years ago


This unit is relatively hard. It is content heavy with 3 lectures a week. If you fall behind it is r...

5 years ago


Professor talks about his life too much, essays are marked too harshly, final exam is 2 essays in 2...

5 years ago


This is a great unit. Extremely well organised with some of the best co-ordinators I've ever experie...

5 years ago


Basically the same as MUSC1981 but you do an analysis project. The requirements and structure to ma...

5 years ago


This unit had a bit of rough organisation (i.e. some content lacking in tutorial questions and slide...

5 years ago

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