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Head and Neck Review

Comprehensive review of everything you need to know about the head and neck from labs and lectures,...

28 pages, 6637 words

Limbs Review

Comprehensive review of everything from lectures and labs on limbs, with easy to understand pneumoni...

34 pages, 10078 words

ANHB3324 Comprehensive Semester Notes

Notes taken from each lecture but with added information for clarity.

43 pages, 12252 words


$60 per hour

Hi I'm Mustafa and currently a first year medical student before, aswell as an anatomy lab demonstra...


The previous unit coordinator does not take this course anymore, and from what I experienced this sem and what I have heard from previous travellers, the culture is STARKLY different to what the reviews below say. ANHB3324 is a cult of aspiration where us mere mortals come to pray at the silver altars of Large Dissecting Room G33 in the hopes of one day learning anatomy as comprehensively as the teaching staff know it. Incredible demonstrators in 2024, especially Nick (Walking talking humorous Grays anatomy for students), Janae (Foot ligament expert), Vanessa (embryology GOAT, divine conferrer of lab book 4/4s) Welcoming and collaborative workshop environment Goated lectures even if they were a bit scuffed around the edges The lab book was actually good because qit highlighted the key takeaways from the lectures As someone who hated embryology aspect of 2212 this unit was the perfect balance: providing the embryology prerequisite to understanding adult morphology (i.e. PhA2= facial exp etc) but not digging into the weeds too much. If you liked any ANHB wet labs, do this unit. If you know how to install Anki, and can type https://www.vhdissector.com/lessons/cadaver-dissection-guide/upper-extremities/quizzes/index.html# in to your browser, do this unit This is not an easy HD, but it is an interesting HD. You need to be diligent with Anki/your study method each week, and you need to correlate the lecture content to the labs and to VH dissector as much as you can.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2024

the worst unit ever, especially because its run by amanda meyer. she disappeared 2 weeks before the exams and all the content from the 2nd half of the semester were various random YOUTUBE LINKS that didn't provide enough information for the assessments and VAEs she put out to test us. the tutors were extremely helpful in trying to recover from the whole drama but the damage was already done by amanda

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

absolutely terrible unit, it’s run by Amanda now so runnn. The nature of assesments is so unfair, it’s not even related to the learning objectives. The VAEs are killer, you can study all week and will probably manage to get a 40% if you get lucky ! The unit coordinator dipped 2 weeks before exams so that’s always a bonus ! This is the second worst anatomy unit after ANHB 2217. Avoid both if you wanna be happy.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

I actually really enjoyed this unit and learned a lot. The most jarring part of the course is switching between the teaching styles of Tom and Marc, as they're very different (but both have their own merits). This isn't a unit that you can get by without putting in effort, but the fact that it is entirely based on tests and exams means that if you put in the effort, you will do well, as there is really only right or wrong answers. The lab demonstrators are excellent and always willing to help.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

Very difficult unit- there is enough content in this unit to span two units, and the way it is run with 2 seperate unit coordinators makes it seem like you are doing two units anyway. Tom ran the limbs section of the unit and I found his teaching style very difficult to follow, and overwhelming due to the amount of work and reading he would expect us to do for a lab each week. The second half of the unit was run by Marc, whose teaching style worked much better for me because it was more simple and to the point. I do think the labs for this unit were poorly structured and you were very much left to fend for yourself. There was limited support for students like me, who were struggling with the unit.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

Potential to be a great unit. The first 6 weeks were 5 stars. The unit coordinator for this part of the course, Tom, is great. I recommend the unit for just these weeks of content. The second half of the unit, however, is not great at all. The coordinator changes for this segment and Marc, the coordinator for this part of the unit, is not the best. There is a lack of direction as to what needs to be learned. As well as a constant perspective from dental medicine, which is not the point of this unit. Taking this unit in my second year. The content is not so difficult. If you put the time in you'll get an easy HD. I'm hoping in the future Tom is able to coordinate the whole unit, as a change in coordinators half way through almost makes it feel as if it is 2 separate units, and from my perspective and everyone ive spoke to doing the unit also, the way Tom runs the unit is more coherent and a much better learning experience

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

Good course, particularly for later study in Anatomy or Medicine

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

This unit was the same as anhb2212 except that it's the head, arms and leg unit. I think anhb2212 has changed coordinator but nick was still doing this unit. He is pretty chill and you learn a lot in this course.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015