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I found this unit rather difficult as the quizzes, although have unlimited attempts, they take quite...

4 years ago


Best elective unit I've ever done. Anyone from any major can take it as long as you like math and st...

4 years ago


This was my favourite unit! Inga is an excellent lecturer who was able to transition this unit seaml...

4 years ago


As being said a particurlarly boring subject, the unit coordinate does make it easy to get high mark...

4 years ago


Pretty hard unit. Very theoretical rather then practical (financial statements etc).

4 years ago


Super interesting unit. Raymond makes it insightful using a tonne of real life examples. If you want...

4 years ago


DO NOT TAKE THIS UNIT. This was a core unit for me so I had no choice but to take the unit but if yo...

4 years ago


Online learning really ruined this unit. Exam was so unfair because questions were different for eve...

4 years ago


A challenging unit but it becomes simple if you put in the effort and practice constantly. Corporate...

4 years ago


This unit is actually HDable, but I just found out that they moderate the marks because too many peo...

4 years ago


Easy unit, content are all from A level economics. If you have no background in economics, it won't...

4 years ago


If you are looking for an interesting unit, fun lectures, approachable and friendly lecturer and tut...

4 years ago


I don't see what's the hype with this unit. Getting a HD is not too hard, but effort is needed. If y...

4 years ago


Greg is an awesome lecturer who breaks down concepts and gives a lot of practical examples that are...

4 years ago


Not a bad unit. I initially took this unit because the 20% worth quizzes are easy and untimed, which...

4 years ago


Once you get through the 'HR Measurement - Validity, Reliability, Utility' section, this is a super...

4 years ago


the tute exercises are annoying yet HD able and the quizzes and the exam are literally the sae and c...

4 years ago


I absolutely loved this unit. As a psyc major, this unit was a breeze. Would recommend for psyc majo...

4 years ago


Took this as an elective as I really enjoyed level 1 mktg units. Didn't like this one as much as it...

4 years ago


Easy HD, minimal effort.

4 years ago


Absolutely love this unit. Very well structured and the lecturers and tutors are incredibly helpful....

4 years ago


This unit should be named "personal financial planning" as to not be confused with "corporate financ...

4 years ago


The unit is fantastic in so many ways - the field trip, the lectures, the assessments and the lectur...

4 years ago


Absolutely great in deeper my understanding in microeconomics. Many concepts and calculations not r...

4 years ago

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