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A good subject, useful and pretty basic BUT, go in with the very clear understanding that this is po...

8 years ago


Tutorials were so boring. Everything else was really good though and kept me very engaged and intere...

8 years ago


It was pretty good overall, however some lectureres weren't as engaging as one would have wished. Tu...

8 years ago


Dr George is a good lecturer and the course content is interesting and challenging. Only complaint w...

8 years ago


Catherine is probably one of my top 3 university lecturers, and it is easy to see why. She gives ver...

8 years ago


Ian is fantastic. This unit is certainly hard work, and more pure science than other psychology unit...

8 years ago


Dr George is pretty awesome, and he marks very fairly. You need to work hard in this unit to achieve...

8 years ago


Once again, another great first year psychology unit. Report writing can be difficult to grasp for f...

8 years ago


If you work hard, you will do well and set a great foundation for studying a psychology major. This...

8 years ago


Ian is awesome, let's be honest. There is an insane amount of content to be memorised, but if you ap...

8 years ago


I found the psychometrics content a good refresher for statistics, and well presented by Niko. I als...

8 years ago


I really enjoyed the majority of this second year psychology unit. The social lectures were for me,...

8 years ago


I loved Korean 6. I felt as though the Integrated Korean textbook was incredibly beneficial especial...

8 years ago


Well structured course, good tutors, good lecturers, easy exams.

8 years ago


Interesting and useful content. Sometimes, the lecturers would go to fast to understand. The final e...

8 years ago


INFS2001 builds on the foundations set in INFS1000 and offers a plethora of new sets of techniques t...

8 years ago


Overall a really interesting subject in particular the social psych content. It really opens your ey...

8 years ago


Challenging course. Exam will cover all topics and will be tougher and trickier than tutorial questi...

8 years ago


a lot of unsupervised and unfair group work; just a few interesting lectures (most unnecessary, you...

8 years ago


intensive unit at the end of the semester (4 days, 9-5), excellent speeches from people who have bee...

8 years ago


2 workshops (fri-sat 9-5) plus a few tutorials. topics not very well defined, you learn on your own...

8 years ago


great unit, not very demanding in terms of time, a good way to learn about other contexts.

8 years ago


Its a great class. Generally a different change of pace from traditional law classes. Lecturer is qu...

8 years ago


Eh, it was alright. Requirement for my degree but I'm actually kind of glad that I had to do it. Pre...

8 years ago

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