• 4,515 UNSW subjects
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Statisitics..... zzzzzzzzzzzz. But not as hard as I thought it would be. Study a little and you'll p...

10 years ago


Interesting and easy marks.

10 years ago


Fun course. Gets you into med life slowly. Lots of time for meeting people and settling into routine...

10 years ago


Difficult subject. Complete all grammar in Japanese. Lots of polite speech which can be tricky to l...

10 years ago


The 3 hour seminars were very slow to sit through each week. It was an interesting enough course but...

10 years ago


Challenging course with ongoing assessment and quizzes. Not too difficult for those who have done h...

10 years ago


Too much embryology, but otherwise awesome.

10 years ago


If you're interested in doing enviromental microbiology, then this is a good subject for you - Lots...

10 years ago


Before this course came along, I was actually interested in pathology. However, the assessments were...

10 years ago


By far the best undergraduate course I had done. The lectures are amazing, the lab work ties in nice...

10 years ago


the good was a lot of guest lecturers Tip: be on time for cowen AND put in a lot of effort for a...

10 years ago


One of the most disorganised and bullshit courses I have done in my undergraduate degree. Legit we d...

10 years ago


Nixon, the lecturer isnt a great teach. If estimating and measuring isn't your best then put your...

10 years ago


Passionate Lecturer (Bee), The course taught a process of tendering/bidding for a project. Would...

10 years ago


Really engaging course! What an interesting way to look at the world we live in and understand our i...

10 years ago


Really reflexive course. Great set texts which I still read today. Changed my perspective on a lot o...

10 years ago


Really fascinating course. Wide spread subject area kept it really fresh and engaging

10 years ago


What a great subject! Vicki Kirby was the course coordinator and Noela Davis my tutor- both were awe...

10 years ago


Very interesting, great teacher!

10 years ago


Was a good course with very interesting content and assignments.

10 years ago


The course is comprehensive and extremely interesting and well taught.

10 years ago


Appalling subject. Supposed to be a fairly easy subject. Harsh harsh UNFAIR marking. Lecturer is not...

10 years ago


He was very vague about the point of the whole subject so it didn't feel like we were focusing on an...

10 years ago


Really interesting course. Prusty tries hard to teach well but many people find him very hard to fol...

10 years ago

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