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Great course for uni first year.Needs a lot practice. Advice xD
7 years ago
That was great! I got HD so happy ^_^
7 years ago
This will probably be the biggest waste of time you will ever embark upon. The unit on project sched...
7 years ago
One of the most notoriously difficult courses in civil along with computations and soil. This leaves...
7 years ago
I thought this subject was really boring but on the other hand it was an open book final. In later y...
7 years ago
Daniel is so funny and you can fully enjoy with him.MATH1131 is fundamental idea of math including l...
7 years ago
Great lecturer, useful topics. This course is easy to do well in with the right help and practice.
7 years ago
Hard to wrap your head around some things, but with enough practice this is an easy course to do wel...
7 years ago
Fantastic, interesting, thorough course. Lecturer is very personal and endeavours to answer all ques...
7 years ago
Interesting and broad. Great introduction to aerospace structures and builds on MMAN2400 well. It's...
7 years ago
lectures are very boring but could get you a few extra marks in your report if you attend.
7 years ago
fairly easy to do well in, if you put in the effort, you can go to lectures if you want but the onli...
7 years ago
quite easy to pickup, the course pack questions really help and so do the live YouTube worked soluti...
7 years ago
Very interesting topics of mathematics. Extremely good lecturers who provided a lot of support.
7 years ago
For the whole semester I thought I was gonna fail this subject but I guess the past papers were quit...
7 years ago
this is amazing
7 years ago
Reading the textbook helps immensely and makes it more interesting too. The course is really well st...
7 years ago
Interesting course, a bit difficult but manageable. You learn to solve problems in this course.
7 years ago
Easy wam booster. Just mainly HSC math but at a faster pace. You should pretty much enter the final...
7 years ago
Great subject that establishes a good foundations in basic mechanical concepts essential for the res...
7 years ago
This is a very conceptually intensive subject that requires you to pay attention from the first lect...
7 years ago
Many find the course difficult and stressful, the online quizes make the course particularly difficu...
7 years ago
Amazing course that exposes engineering students to programming concepts which are necessary in the...
7 years ago
Interesting basic concepts taught, but if not grasped initially it can be a bigger challenge than it...
7 years ago
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