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Great content and lectures were good, but the tutorials weren't too helpful and assignment feedback...

5 years ago


Really interesting subject content, and discussions in tutes were good too. But the subject wasn't s...

5 years ago


Had so much potential to be better but still a decent subject overall. The exam is a bit of a mess b...

5 years ago


Kristian Camilleri as the lecturer is really passionate about his subjects and delivering the conten...

5 years ago


relatively easy subjects but not fun for me. I am a bit regret as I was told reason is gonna be hard...

5 years ago


Did this subject as I have always had a passion for creative writing, however I found that the class...

5 years ago


A brilliant and intriguing first year subject for those who want a taste in criminology, law, sociol...

5 years ago


Did this as a breadth and found it quite dry and boring (coming from someone who loves history). The...

5 years ago


Interesting subject, hard to do well in. Out of my peers, I hadn't heard of anyone who got over a H2...

5 years ago


So far the best subject I've done. Every week, we were presented with difficult concepts to swallow,...

5 years ago


Easy subject to do well in (so long as you have some interest in the arts). Subject covers wide conc...

5 years ago


Was very interesting but the exam was badly worded and difficult. There were 3 short essays, out of...

5 years ago


The content was interesting and delivered well. The lecturers were very knowledgeable and were lovel...

5 years ago


The content was interesting but wasn't always delivered well, the lectures are too long and are drag...

5 years ago


With no background in history or philosophy, I found this subject to be one of the best subject choi...

5 years ago


An alright subject, my only real issue was that there was a fair bit of overlap with the previous li...

5 years ago


Not the best French subject but if you gotta do it, you gotta do it. Loads of out-of-class prep for...

5 years ago


a buttload of content and poor organisation by the lecturers. The content was interesting but was so...

5 years ago


Very boring lecturers and content. The SUBJECT COORDINATOR Amanda doesnt know how to present a powe...

5 years ago


Awesome subject, might be a bit overwhelming if you haven't studied classics before, but would still...

5 years ago


This year I have gained the most valuable lessons from this subject. The lecturer, Claire, has been...

5 years ago


Very inciteful and interactive subject!

5 years ago


don't do this unless you love crapping on about unsupported theories of behaviour and wasting 12 wee...

5 years ago


This subject was interesting, as it covered the basics of the prominent political theories, as well...

5 years ago

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