CHEM20018 H1 (82) Comprehensive and Detailed Notes
Subject notes for UniMelb CHEM20018
Comprehensive notes for Chemistry: Reactions and Synthesis. Easy to read with good flow throughout. Important key points in bold to make skimming through easier. Contains reaction diagrams, graphs, equations to make studying easier. Covers all the core content (weeks 1-9) plus option B (weeks 10-12) Contents: 1. Organic chemistry 2. Thermodynamics 3. Thermodynamics of inorganic reactions 4. Inorganic synthesis and coordination Option B: Biological and Medicinal chemistry I studied using these notes and got an 82 (H1). Good luck!
Semester 1, 2020
44 pages
7,300 words
UniMelb, Parkville
Member since
July 2019