
These are FULL notes (i.e. cover ALL topics for the ECMT010 course) from a High Distinction Student. They have been compiled using the lecture slides, thorough listening to the lecture recordings, the textbook (fully read, highlighted and relevant parts transferred to the notes and emphasised within), tutorials, and external sources. They include an abundance of worked examples from both the textbook and the lecture, to ensure you have the necessary practice needed to succeed in the exams. These notes were written in Semester 2, 2017. My notes this semester for all my subjects landed me an HD WAM of 86 for the semester. The notes include the following topics: - Collecting data - Describing data - Sampling distribution - Confidence intervals - Bootstrapping - Bootstrap confidence intervals - Hypothesis testing - Approximation with a distribution - Properties of the normal distribution - Inferences for means and proportions - Inference for regression - Probability NB: week 8 is skipped in the notes as this was the week of the midsem (thus, no content this week.)


Semester 2, 2017

111 pages

31,200 words



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