• 2,869 Deakin subjects
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Super relevant and easy to follow subject. Lots of assignments worth not many marks so it feels as t...

9 years ago


Way too basic, very likely so for a Year 12 Chemistry student. But I am a mature student who last at...

9 years ago


Your challenge is not in the content, but the format and rules of the lab reports. The 10 lab report...

9 years ago


Really interesting subject. Gives you an idea of how the legal aspects of a company is

9 years ago


To get through this unit I think you really need to enjoy philosophy

9 years ago


This unit describes many sociology theories which can seem daunting, however you are only tested on...

9 years ago


A daunting unit for many I found it well taught by a very reassuring unit chair. If you apply yourse...

9 years ago


This unit is worth while. It is interesting and allows you to develop a greater acceptance and curio...

9 years ago


I would reccomend this subject for anyone who is nervous about starting university as it is not heav...

9 years ago


Loved this subject, can be creative with assignment

9 years ago


Interesting subject but a lot of reading

9 years ago


Legal based rules and regs which provide employee rights, and rights of the employer

9 years ago


Gives you an idea of different business structures and legal implications.

9 years ago


At first I found this subject difficult, however by week 8 it started to click. Do what you can to g...

9 years ago


This subject is easy to understand and great info for practice in industry. Relatable in any field o...

9 years ago


This requires ability to recall definitions. Team work is important for major assessment.

9 years ago


The staff are very friendly, and it is a good first year unit to ease into university.

9 years ago


Great unit providing an overview over American (foreign) politics while contextualizing some of the...

9 years ago


Great introductory unit to political ideologies providing Politics/IR students with crucial knowledg...

9 years ago


A must for anyone interested in history! Great subject providing a concise overview over historical...

9 years ago


A must for anyone interested in history! Great subject providing a concise overview over historical...

9 years ago


Great subject to revise on the main theories in the field of International Relations.

9 years ago


Great introductory subject to the political dynamics of the Asia Pacific and Australian foreign poli...

9 years ago


Worst, most boring subject ever. Hate it with a passion and can't believe it is a core subject as I...

9 years ago

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