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Provides a foundation for those who wish to pursue further studies in the Accounting industry - Over...

9 years ago


Loved this unit the most! Interesting, the most relevant to nursing and had practical classes which...

9 years ago


The bludge subject of my degree. The tutes discussed common sense kind of information and there wasn...

9 years ago


Extremely jam packed with information and it super important to study everything the week you learn...

9 years ago


The lectures were cool but the tutes were very boring. It was pretty much the same as year 12 health...

9 years ago


This one-session subject is informative without re-teaching safety measures we've all heard before....

9 years ago


Chemistry in Our World is an excellent introduction to Chemistry, providing healthy foundations for...

9 years ago


Cells and Genes is an amazing introductory unit to Biological Science. It covers a broad range of ar...

9 years ago


This unit is an outstanding introduction to Teaching. It dwells on the philosophies of teaching and...

9 years ago


Its easy to fall behind in Property, especially when your first task is an online quiz but do your b...

9 years ago


IP is a really interesting unit as it differs significantly from any other units. The first assignme...

9 years ago


Don't let yourself fall behind in this unit as its hard to catch back up. There are a lot of case st...

9 years ago


Its a difficult unit but be on top of your readings and you shouldn't have too much of a problem.

9 years ago


extreamly boring subject not even worth going to to be honest, there was no exam just assignments wh...

9 years ago


Great subject!! the clinical rooms makes class super fun and enjoyable and the teacher i had was gre...

9 years ago


anatomy was great i loved dissecting and learning about the body, its alot to remember though and ha...

9 years ago


was a bit of a pointless subject as i did all the stuff in year 12 last year, but others may have en...

9 years ago


Amazing subject! Very applicable and important for future nursing work. My tutor made all the differ...

9 years ago


Incredibly content-heavy and overwhelming. If you take this subject, it is vital that you keep up wi...

9 years ago


My tutor was fantastic. Too bad their talents were wasted on a pointless subject. The exam is a mult...

9 years ago


This subject teachers you how to extend on children's understanding of science.

9 years ago


Interesting to know how important health and physical activity is for young children.

9 years ago


Exam was somewhat harder than content during trimester. Very engaging teaching style

9 years ago


Really well thought out introductory unit to political ideologies and how they've shaped modern econ...

9 years ago

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