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The content is really interesting but in terms of assignments, there was no good feedback and delive...

2 years ago


Would rate this unit an 8/10. The unit was insightful in gaining an understanding of the function of...

2 years ago


I thought the unit was interesting in gaining an understanding of the employment process regarding r...

3 years ago


Good content for developing critical thinking skills for analysis.

3 years ago


Pretty interesting, I liked the assignment about the cryptocurrency

3 years ago


One of my favourite unit, the assignment is really interesting

3 years ago


I really enjoyed doing this unit

3 years ago


It was an easy unit, and pretty interesting

3 years ago


Enjoyed the unit. The tutors are very helpful in assisting with questions regarding content and assi...

3 years ago


I personally found the lecture to be quite content heavy. In saying this, the tutorials were short a...

3 years ago


I took this unit under covid circumstances. I really enjoyed the unit. I was lucky to be part of a g...

3 years ago


Enjoyed understanding how rewards are involved in the area of HR. The assignments were doable. Had a...

3 years ago


I don’t know if this unit changed because of COVID but it just have because I have no idea how anyon...

3 years ago


First four weeks is purely report writing and referencing, then jumped into some health content? Was...

3 years ago


A public health-based unit. I always believed that I had been much more interested in the medical on...

3 years ago


A great amount of content covered in this unit that is definitely manageable with proper ongoing rev...

3 years ago


I am unsure of how this unit is typically run outside of COVID circumstances but from my experience,...

3 years ago


Assessments were very fair and you get a lot of support in the labs. Overall I’m very happy to have...

3 years ago


Is It wrong of me to say I hated this unit?

3 years ago


A hectic unit. The group case study was a mess. No backtracking in the online exam which was stupid....

3 years ago


Unit is absolutely vital to be able to be a culturally competent clinician in Australia. Be prepared...

3 years ago


The content isn't actually that difficult BUT you must have tutors who are actually interested in te...

3 years ago


Interesting unit, probably one of the ones I enjoyed the most.

3 years ago


veryyyy easy unit to pass but you need the textbook and need to keep up with the weekly content. I...

3 years ago

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