• 3,826 UWA subjects
  • 2,676 UWA subject ratings

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This unit felt pretty brutal. Lots of content to keep on top of. Lectures can be a bit all over the...

2 days ago


The Intro to Finance unit is organized by two lecturers: Ms. Farhan covers weeks 1-5 and Mr. Mosharr...

4 days ago


The German unit is easy overall, likely because I studied German in high school. The quiz, worth 40%...

4 days ago


The Marketing unit is easy to get a Distinction (D), with a High Distinction (HD) attainable if effo...

4 days ago


The OB unit is relatively easy, with consistent effort needed for a Distinction (D) and more for a H...

4 days ago


I did this unit as an elective after completing CHEM1002 and BIOC1001. This unit was very boring and...

1 week ago


I loved this unit. I was a bit nervous entering this unit as almost everyone I talked to had done PH...

1 week ago


I enjoyed this unit a lot! Really interesting content, especially if you're interested in linguistic...

1 week ago


I think the review below summed it up very well. Quizzes are super easy and have 10 MCQs and are pro...

1 week ago


It's not as easy as some of the reviews say, still requires a lot of work. This is expected, but amo...

1 week ago


The unit was very easy, but your grades depend a lot on which tutor you get. The content is super dr...

1 week ago



1 week ago


It was a good unit. Easy marks if you understand the topics. However, there is only limited help fro...

1 week ago


This unit is very easy, but nonetheless one of the most fun in UWA stem. Weekly cadaver labs - o...

2 weeks ago


This unit was very content-heavy and required a fair bit of effort. The lectures were well-organised...

2 weeks ago


Honestly, this unit is quite challenging in the sense that it very content-heavy and requires a lot...

2 weeks ago


Honestly, this unit is very chill and easy-going. All the assessments are squeezed into the second-h...

2 weeks ago


At the beginning of the semester, we were told that this unit had a very high (60%) failure rate, wh...

2 weeks ago


Not much to add. I enjoyed the unit and my experience is similar to the 3 and 4 star reviews. That b...

2 weeks ago


I found Peter, the UC to be unresponsive. He almost never replies. The unit is highly disorganised....

2 weeks ago


Agree with reviews below, ricky is super well organised, and ALWAYS reply to mails. Content was inte...

2 weeks ago


The unit content is overall pretty easy. But the marking is nearly random and highly subjective as i...

2 weeks ago


The last quiz screwed me over as three of the questions were based on readings that were not made av...

2 weeks ago


I'm not one to complain about the lack of assessments, but I do think the assessments leading up to...

2 weeks ago

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