• 8,064 USYD subjects
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Interesting subject, lecturer is very knowledgeable however he can be extremely difficult to underst...

8 years ago


It's an important subject because data and insights really drive marketing decisions. If you don't l...

8 years ago


The advanced component was confusing. The rest of the course consisted of rote learning material in...

8 years ago


The teachings in lectures were splendid, however the assessment format during the semester is atroci...

8 years ago


Really interesting subject, a large amount of content to memorize but if you are interested it shoul...

8 years ago


I was shocked to come see the reviews on this subject to find a review of 100% positive feedback, al...

8 years ago


Can be hard at first especially if you have no economics background however quickly becomes one of t...

8 years ago


Very difficult unit if you aren't a maths person or didn't do maths in high school but all things co...

8 years ago


Sociology for the first half of the semester and psychology for the second half. Just read the Germo...

8 years ago


Pretty easy subject, good if you want to do well in a subject without endless hours of study. Diane...

8 years ago


Content heavy but very rewarding when you get the learning down! The teachers are great (my tutor wa...

8 years ago


Great introduction to sports science, Kate Edwards was a fantastic co-ordinator. Be sure to attend a...

8 years ago


Has to be one of the worst subjects. It feels like it's in its infancy stage, since the tutor told u...

8 years ago


Get involved in discussions as much as you can. The staff are a wealth of knowledge. If you can tap...

8 years ago


Very do-able exercises and easy to follow lectures which prepare you well for exams if you pay atten...

8 years ago


It is a great course, which was organised very well. We did look at different trade models, as well...

8 years ago


An enjoyable and interesting subject dealing with game theory, but I like micro, so it was not a pro...

8 years ago


Andrew is such a nice lecturer, very friendly and easy-going. He explains the theory of the firm ver...

8 years ago


I highly recommend this subject for anyone who is keen to learn basic Japanese. There is a lot of co...

8 years ago


Great course

8 years ago


Requires a lot of work and dedication, but it's completely worth it.

8 years ago


Badly taught via just showing you lots of examples and never really explaining when to use what meth...

8 years ago


Doing all the classes in Matlab is pretty great, but it's still a really new subject with lots of li...

8 years ago


Huge amount of info to take in but once you start getting it it's not too hard

8 years ago

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