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Agreed with others that Michael Jennings is an excellent lecturer who makes the content easy to unde...

9 years ago


Honours was a very rewarding experience. Make sure to choose a project that interests you and a supe...

9 years ago


So the subject starts off FANTASTIC being taught by Tim Nicholson but then it goes into mechanical p...

9 years ago


This is the most painful subject ever. A whole tone of complex communication models that are both co...

9 years ago


Dumbfounded by the reviews saying that this course is interesting... This is a huge jump from materi...

9 years ago


BIOL1040 is an interesting subject to learn about. It focuses on your body system, helps you to unde...

9 years ago


Challenging stubject but enjoyable. It is important to keep up to date with the work and PASS sheets...

9 years ago


This course can be challenging but the PASS sheets are very helpful as well as all the tutors. It is...

9 years ago


Good for the basic understanding of electrical theory and practice, however if you don't focus in th...

9 years ago


This course is designed for students to hone their independent learning skills. The main success to...

9 years ago


This subject is relatively easy if you do the textbook reading. What was taught in the lectures is w...

9 years ago


I also had a great tutor (Michael) which made the course enjoyable and of course much easier to hand...

9 years ago


My favourite accounting course so far, great tutor. Made it so much easier.

9 years ago


Jennings is great at teaching and as long as you keep up with the tutorials it can be very enjoyable...

9 years ago


The subject offers the opportunity to understand how you can develop your management skills in term...

9 years ago


The course itself isn't difficult. It's just important to fully understand the criteria and brush up...

9 years ago


The subject is a great introduction into the breadth of polymer engineering and clearly introduces t...

9 years ago


I took this during summer semester so the info was condensed into 6 weeks. The essay assessment was...

9 years ago


This is a great intro to archaeology. The lectures are 2 hours long and generally pretty interesting...

9 years ago


Quite easy and pretty interesting course. Was a good choice of elective. Note: must attend tutorials...

9 years ago


Really easy subject. Crosses over with COMU1010 a little too much and needs to be a little more psyc...

9 years ago


I liked this subject as well as POLS1601, because both courses are really straightforward, in tutori...

9 years ago


This course is really interesting, because of the case studies you learn about, the different human...

9 years ago


This course is really interesting, I'd highly recommend it, even just as an elective. The course is...

9 years ago

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