• 70 UQ IT textbooks
  • 20 UQ IT tutors
  • 53 UQ IT ratings and reviews

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This course is very hard to review in my opinion. Firstly the content itself is very well-struc...

3 years ago


Lecturer and tutors are asian with broken Engrish. If you like tutors that cant explain, never have...

3 years ago


It is an amazing and quite interesting branch of Data Science.

4 years ago


This course helps in building fundamental concepts and application of regression and time series mod...

4 years ago


MySQL, quite nice, I would say they may be the same as those Easy problems of Leetcode

5 years ago


This is a fantastic course with pretty clear lecture slides and interesting content. It goes into mo...

6 years ago


A pretty good introduction to a range of information systems coursework. Some of it is particularly...

6 years ago


A great introduction to more complex programming concepts, including the object-oriented paradigm, b...

6 years ago


This course was run by Joel Fenwick when I did it. Joel is an amazing lecturer, but his marking styl...

6 years ago


My love for this course and the way the lecturer structured it all is phenomenal. Everything I've le...

7 years ago


fundamental course for IT student and easy to learn.

7 years ago


Interesting content but the contact hours in this subject are a nightmare. The group assignment is a...

8 years ago


I really enjoyed this course and it gives students a taste of what studio courses in IT are like. It...

9 years ago


While I will agree it was pretty easy it was also one of those subjects that actually seemed relevan...

9 years ago


Excellent elective for IT/Multimedia students. Discusses IP, P2P, Privacy, Semantic search, Cloud, C...

10 years ago


Unfortunately, no longer offered at this stage. I was fortunate enough to do this subject in 2012. T...

10 years ago


This subject was quite easy. No need to attend lectures. When I did this subject there was no exam o...

10 years ago

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